I Don't Know How She Does It
I Don't Know How She Does It
PG-13 | 16 September 2011 (USA)
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A comedy centered on the life of Kate Reddy, a finance executive who is the breadwinner for her husband and two kids.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
LA Carlson Most of the reviews on this movie are not positive. I would advise skipping many of them because they are wrong. I stumbled upon this on my day off and laughed out loud, was charmed right from the beginning. It's original, smart, a bit sarcastic, breaks the 3rd wall speaking to the audience and has a wonderful cast. It's realistic if you are or have been a working Mom, The writing is on the mark. It's about relationships and living. Parker, Kennear and Brosnan have a subtle, stylish, lovely chemistry. It made my day because it's about the things which do matter. Sometimes those things take awhile to be recognized because standing on principal does matter.
Knox D Alford III (knoxiii) There is no accounting for taste, and talent requires the right forum to shine. I felt like the script was earplugs, I was made to wear at the original Woodstock if they bolstered the lineup w/ the Beatles/Rolling Stones/Sinatra/Elvis/Johnny Cash. It reminds that a thoroughly all-star cast is no guarantee for a rising tide to lift all scripts. I was shocked that the script/story/movie was this bad. With the exception of SJP, many of my favorite & extremely talented actors comprised the cast. SJP led the script towards it's worst possible adaptation w/ poor acting in portraying the word "harried". Conversely, Olivia Munn was the most amazing Sunshine on the most overcast day of my year, finding a way to break through the clouds like a miracle from a Saint multiple times. To imprison or hold back, her dramatic & comedic prowess requires the same power of witchcraft requisite to keep Robin Williams unfunny every minute for 72 hours. Good luck. Reading the impressive list of names & talent of the cast, it would take a very weak script & leading actress to render the resulting movie such a surprising failure. As a favor to the actors & yourself, watch any other movie they are in & stay far away from this one. My claims deserve succinct justification but not a full autopsy. My life has already been shortened. The movie had one premise & a no-brainer at that. Family trumps work. Thanks for the attempt to affirm a concept almost everyone is already sold on. It is difficult to live up to, but so is complete honesty. We fail most days buy all generally agree it's worth striving for. That was the failure. SJP failed to sell me on the difficulty by not being able to convey passion. Every other actor did fine with their roles but they can't write their own scripts. Morgan Freeman can read a corporate quarterly financial report with a master's flair, but he can't make it interesting. The script was like a politician promoting patriotism after 9/11 or a grand dragon convincing the Mississippi chapter of the KKK to get out the vote against President Obama. There is no issue, no dissent, no argument on the other side & you are acting like one exists & want approval & credit for "fighting" the good fight. Well, you're a little late. I was impressed by the best supporting actress in the movie, Olivia Munn, as much as when she first commandeered my attention as an intrepid correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart with her realness, sarcasm, deadpan looks, seriousness, comedy, astoundingly quick, smart, & funny wit, with the outward beauty of Helen of Troy. Her facial expressions & overall acting was like a lone but plush rescue yacht on the Titanic. This is the only reason for adding a very generous star to the movie. It hurts me deeply to write this caustic review of some of my favorite actors & I want to make clear that none of this was their fault. It is 3 reasons: the script, the lead, & the script (maybe director/more likely the story). If this review saves the time of a single person, it will have been worth the time. I wonder if the producers can say the same about this movie (And, I LOVE the producers too!)? All the tastiest ingredients combined in the successfully tragic recipe for extra pungent, chunky poop soup. Knox D. Alford, III
juneebuggy Good cast here, coasting in a brainless, bit of nothing movie. SJP Is working mother 'Kate' who tries to balance her increasingly demanding career with the stress of being the perfect mother to her two children and maintaining her marriage (to a very likable Greg Kinnear)For some reason they have her character doing an ongoing voice-over throughout this movie which gives this a very (alternate universe) Sex & The City feel. Everyone involved is very likable though and its a cute, if predictable story that doesn't require any thought. (Sometimes we need that and I guess that's why they continue to make these chick-flicks.) I enjoyed Olivia Munn's character and Pierce Brosnan was a nice addition. Parker's big speech at the "climactic" ending was god awful, super cheesy and annoying. 8/4/14
dlambre173 I don't see why people today can't just appreciate a light hearted, feel good movie like this and analyze it to death. This is not Inception. This movie will not make you think deep thoughts. It is Sarah Jessica Parker doing what she does best and making you want to make her your best friend. Is there much of a plot? No. Does there really need to be in the age of Transformers? No. If you love SATC and SJP I can't imagine that you wouldn't enjoy this movie also. Honestly I thought Greg Kinnear was not a good choice for spouse, although I do like him I just thought there wasn't much chemistry between the two. Pierce was excellent, as always. This man continues to get better with age. He looks elegant and charismatic and you can still imagine him in the Bond role. Now, SJP and Pierce had chemistry! I rented this when my air conditioned went out at my house and the Batman movie shootings had recently happened so I really needed a movie to relax and escape to while watching. Don't believe all the bad reviews!
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