I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown
I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown
G | 09 December 2003 (USA)
I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown Trailers

Linus and Lucy's younger brother Rerun wants a dog for Christmas, and Snoopy's brother Spike may be the answer.

Steineded How sad is this?
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jrblack05 This is not the type of Charlie Brown Christmas movie we've come to look forward to as the holidays roll around. This is a disgrace to Charles Schultz, and I'm sure he's rolling over in his grave. The focus of the movie is on ReRun, a mistake in itself. Charlie Brown jokes have always been corny, but we loved them anyway. There was a charming humor about them. This movie is filled with thoughtless attempts at being cute, but with zero success. Lucy has lost her edge, Snoopy has no spunk, Linus is more pathetic than Schultz ever thought about making him, and Charlie Brown has lost all the lovable charm he ever had. Oh, how I long for old days, when a Charlie Brown Christmas special didn't make me sick.
Shawn Watson This 40-minute TV special tells the story of Rerun, Linus and Lucy's very cute younger brother (I loved the scenes with him stuck on the back of his mother's bicycle). As the smallest child he feels left out of playing around with the other kids and wishes for a dog for Xmas. He starts a great friendship with Snoopy but Charlie Brown is reluctant to let him go. I felt so sorry for Rerun. He's just so desperate for attention, to be taken seriously. He's got a lot of love inside him and needs a best friend to let it all out. Jimmy Bennett's voice acting is spot-on and makes him so real.It's all harmless fun, if not completely indisposable. I've made it a Xmas tradition already as well as the other seasonal Charlie Brown specials.
Subbuteo_IA This is awful. There is no real story line here. Instead, it is a series of jump cuts from one joke to another. You can almost picture the four panel strips that the jokes were originally presented in. While some of the material is funny, the scattered nature of the "plot" really detracts from your enjoyment. Yes, I know it is a "cartoon", so my disparaging of a lack of a plot may seem overblown. However, I challenge you to compare this to "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and I believe you will understand my point.I am not sure what the running time is, but the network managed to cram in a lot of commercials over the hour.
DarkLordHenderson Peanuts still makes me smile after all these years. This new animated feature was very good. For the big Peanuts aficianados, you'll recognize a lot of the gags are from the weekly strips themselves, some dating back to the 1960s. It was done very well and I very much enjoyed it.
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