Soccer Dog: The Movie
Soccer Dog: The Movie
PG | 01 January 1999 (USA)
Soccer Dog: The Movie Trailers

A heart-warming comedy about the friendship between the new kid in town and a soccer-playing dog on the lam from the dog-catcher. It's up to these two underdogs to win the PeeWee Soccer League championship game.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Alex-300 This stinker is in mystifyingly frequent rotation on one channel here, and I've found myself watching in horror again and again. The script is like something one would come up with friends over several too many drinks, and the production values match admirably.It's meant to be a children's movie, but features a grotesque (and poorly explained) kidnapping scene; the star dog has a lack of star quality equaled only by the other actors; and it in general has the look of being filmed in someone's backyard (the climactic soccer game features no more than three dozen extras sadly cheering in the background).It even all wraps up with a budget-ran-out voice-over sequence when the story, to one's relief, simply stops. The high-raters here must be either the producers - or the majority of the extras from the soccer game!
EBKenobi This near-masterpiece contains some of the most intense football-scenes ever filmed. Backed up by some bone-breaking cinematography, the skills displayed by the actors, and certainly the dog itself, are right up there with the stuff Stallone gave us in "Victory" (1981). There are some pretty hard shots in this movie, if you take my meaning. The humour... Well, it's lovely. I'll admit that the razor-sharp dialogue caught me off-guard at a couple of occasions, and that's what this movie is all about: Cutting the edge on as many levels as possible."He's fast, and he can score goals."
BuddyBoy-2 SOCCER DOG: THE MOVIE provides fun, diverting viewing for kids, while sneaking in some sly comedy for their parents. Sure, it's a low-budget AIR BUD for the foreign market, but it doesn't pretend to be anything else. I feel a little sorry for the viewer who expected "research"-- a little sorry, but not much more. As for the viewer complaining that all the adult characters were "baffoons," perhaps he meant to say "baboons" or "buffoons." Stars Marshall and D'Abo give credible performances. And while many of the supporting adult characters are indeed broadly-drawn, they do their jobs and get some laughs. And the kid and his dog are very effective. I watched SOCCER DOG with my young niece. She loved it, and she's watched it since. The movie entertained her
Warlock-5 Words cannot explain my delight, when I came across a movie named Soccer Dog. It was yet another in the long line of animal athlete films (Air Bud, Air Bud 2, Ed, for example). Starring Olivia D'Abo an always pleasant actress, this film attempts to tell the story of a dog that plays soccer. Many can spot who sponsered the movie, Adidas, as their logos are emblazoned on the front of everything, shoes, shirts, socks, billboards, they may as well had started the movie by stating that it was an adidas production in the opening credits.As far as bad movies go, this is by far the worst. As easy as the concept of a soccer playing is to swallow, I just didn't enjoy myself. This is cheap, music sounds like a half-assed cross breed between techno and jazz and the special effects were not very special. If a sequel is to follow, god help us all.AUSTRALIAN CLASSIFICATION:PG Adult Themes.