Hyderabad Blues
Hyderabad Blues
| 17 July 1998 (USA)
Hyderabad Blues Trailers

Varun returns homes after twelve years in the United States and attempts to romance an Indian doctor.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
nemo_IITK I just watched the movie few days ago, and I loved it very much. This kind of movie brilliantly sketches Indian society and dilemma of a confused US returned boy, who can't help hating Indian traditions.This movie is a good example how to make a low budget movie and to make to so effective and touching. I know we don't have a big audience for such movies in India but definitely it appeals to the urban educated crowd, who can relate themselves to any such situation.I was a bit unsatisfied with the end of the story, it was too dramatic. Scenes have been captured beautifully, and situations are lovely. As far as performances are concerned every character sounds genuine. Movie is definitely worth watching.
m_madhu hyderabad blues is such a simple yet brilliantly todl film. every scene is well made and clearly thoguth through. shot on a shoe-string budget this movie captures brilliantly the traditional vs. the modern india.hyderabad blues is about an NRI (Non-Resident Indian) who returns home and his parents set out to get him married. how he falls in love and what happens eventually is the basis of the plot.the scenes are quite hilarious although the ending is a bit disappointing. this movie was one of the biggests surprises when it was released, doing much better than the lavish bollywood movies. this multi-lingual film hit the right chords among the audience, since almost very urban indian knows or is related to somebody who has been to the U.S of A ... the American return confused Indian is a well understood concept.the movie in all is a triumph for good storytelling over expensive production values. a terrific watcha hilarious 9!
Vik-7 I liked the movie a lot..it's great fun to watch with a group of people..However, it was quite obvious that the writer had no idea how the movie should have ended..The end was disappointing.Still, the laughs at the beginning of the movie made it all worthwile!
Ravi-6 Shot in a southern India city in 17 days, this comes under low budget film category. This movie is an effort by an young Indian director. It's about Varun, a Non Resident Indian(NRI), who returns home to Hyderabad, India, after a living for 12 years in USA. Mainly its focused on the foreigner in him and conflicts (cultural) with the people he grew up with, including his parents who insist that he should get married to a girl from his caste (a subsect within the religion). He meets Ashwini a self-made doctor who hates anything that is even remotely foreign. He finally marries her. The dialogue is well written, though you see some repetition. It has a piece of music that's played repetitively, however its good. It has no known actors. It's a low-budget adventure by director/producer/writer Nagesh Kukunoor. I appreciate his efforts. With films being the passion he made it with whatever money he could save while working as a consultant. I strongly advice you to see this.