Aliens vs Avatars
Aliens vs Avatars
| 20 September 2011 (USA)
Aliens vs Avatars Trailers

Six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip, find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with an Alien monster. Not knowing what to do or who to trust, they struggle to protect themselves. Reluctantly, they join forces with another, seemingly friendly, alien, Ava, who orbits the Earth and appears to them in the form of an avatar. Having only one chance at stopping the monster, they must race to locate and repair the Ava’s earth sent robot, before it slaughters them one by one.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
TheLittleSongbird From the title of the movie and that it's low-budget you shouldn't expect very much. But there are some examples of low-budget movies with strange title. Aliens vs. Avatars is not one of these though, these factors would be taken into account and forgiven if the movie in question showed signs of any effort but if there was an ounce of effort in Aliens vs. Avatars it was impossible to spot.The movie does look cheap even for low-budget, any ropey special effects would be forgiven but these effects are worse than ropey, even worse in fact than a rushed last-minute job. Not in a while have I seen special effects this fake. Unfortunately the rest of the production values are little better, with garish sets, costumes that would leave one one quarter-crying with laughter and three-quarters-cringing in embarrassment(especially the left-over rubber suit for the robotar) and camera work so jumpy and haphazard that it'd make epileptics uncomfortable(speaking as one myself so there is no discrimination here intended). The music is so out of place and inappropriate that it sounds like it belongs in a completely different movie.As for the writing, that's even worse. It didn't sound or feel like that the movie had a proper script, because the dialogue is so awkwardly delivered, giving it an improvisatory feel(but with none of the actors being good at it), and incredibly random. The story is very lazy in pace and so structurally scant that if one thought that the movie was without a plot it would be entirely excusable. What there is of one makes very little if any sense, Ava's origins story and her purpose in the story is more perplexing than intriguing, and there is an overkill of nudity, almost all of it irrelevant and just there for the sake of it. There is some lazy direction going on here and the characters don't engage at all, the human characters are like annoying planks of wood, the robotar is underused and is only memorable for his man-in-a-rubber-suit-like appearance and Ava's barely in it either and serves very little point to the story(if her background was explored better that'd get a different reaction). The acting is poor all round and that's being kind, Victoria De Mare is the only one who stands out and that's more to do with her looks than her acting.Overall, laughably terrible with nothing good about it. As for whether it entertains in the unintentional humour department, this viewer did find it too inept for that. 1/10 Bethany Cox
DeadHumans This is a terrible movie. Almost everything about it is bad, from the pace over the plot to the acting - not to mention the "special effects" (which has to be put in quotation marks). But it is a b-movie, and anyone who expects otherwise is bound to be sorely disappointed. However, anyone who knows their b-movies and appreciate naive, low-budget cinema would probably agree that "Aliens vs. Predators" has all the qualities of a b-movies that's so bad it's good.The plot is pretty simple to begin with, but becomes increasingly absurd as it progresses. We follow a group of college students on a camping trip in the woods. The group of characters includes the typical stereotypes including the geek, the nerdy Asian girl, the jog, the tomboy, and the spoiled and snobby girl. Unbeknown to the college students, an alien life form called the Scythe prowls the very same forest. And it's out to destroy mankind. Having to start somewhere, it has set its sights on the college students, whom it offs one by one. Meanwhile, a benevolent alien called Ava (Cassie Fliegel), who looks like a third rate Navi, is on a mission to hunt down the Scythe. While her corporal form is in orbit above Earth in a spaceship, she controls a human-looking avatar (also Cassie Fliegel) on Earth. The surviving college students join forces with Ava and, using a mecha-style battle robot called Robotar, they must destroy the Scythe before it destroys Earth.The Scythe is able to transform into anything whose DNA it has been in contact with, plus it has the ability to become invisible. This obviously amounts to elements lifted from both "The Body-Snatchers" and "The Predator". The Scythe is really just a guy in a rubber suit and looks more cheesy than scary. With the Scythe chasing college students around in the forest and killing them in ways that include various amounts of gore, the movie appears to also be heavily inspired by the "Friday the 13th"-franchise. Indeed, with elements lifted from a variety of sources, including the title's reference to "Avatar" and "Aliens", the movie is an example of parasitic cinema; it's an exploitation movie, really. Such parasitism is not uncommon in b-movies, and it was particularly common in horror and sci-fi b-movies of the '60s, '70s, and '80s. The Robotar is also just a guy in a suit and reminds me of "The Power Rangers", if anything."Aliens vs. Avatars" was obviously made on a low budget and combines cheesy practical effects with horrendous CGI. The acting is generally wooden and substandard in many ways. Some of the characters have potential, but they are generally butchered by the Scythe before they are developed enough for the viewer to actually sympathize with them. Thus, when they are killed, it really has no effect on the viewer. The plot combines the linear nature of the straight-up slasher movie with elements from sci-fi and Japanese battle-suit action, which does result in a completely absurd and ridiculous storyline full of inconsistencies and flaws. The film even resorts to the cheap trick of making use of topless scenes as if to appeal to the most hopeless male viewers.In other words, "Aliens vs. Avatars" has everything a b-movie should have. This means that it is unintentionally hilarious at several levels. While its truly distasteful elements are its misogynist and slightly racist tendencies (and perhaps its parasitic nature, which I am sure has lured some people into thinking that it was actually crossover between the "Aliens"- and "Avatar"-franchises), it is generally an enjoyable movie to watch because it pretty much fails at everything. What it does capture, and this is what makes it enjoyable, is the spirit of the slasher movies of the '70s and '80s, and fans of that genre will probably enjoy the film for that reason. Overall, this is a bad - very bad - movie which fails in pretty much every aspect. Its one strength is that it is full of those elements that make b-movies worth watching. Those who do not appreciate b-movies are bound to absolutely hate "Aliens vs. Avatars" and should just stay away from it, but I think that b-movie fans will enjoy it exactly because of all its flaws. The rating in this review reflects its qualities as a b-movie (as a "proper" movie, it would probably only be worth half a point or something).
peter drako Unfortunately, this is not a review, its a warning! and unfortunately it takes more time of my life. Time witch I have already retardedly wasted on this indescribable vomit. It is actually so bad it might even be dangerous for you to watch. You may want to consider self mutilation as an optionally pursuit. To even mention words as acting, movie or script, makes no sense. This is so by far worst of all worst, that you have to redefine the word. Turn of your TV first and then watch it, would be a time better spent. It is so dreadful that it might already be forbidden in some countries.Is it really that bad, you might ask...well flush you head in the toilet for 80 min, and you just might...No, this misery is even worse. From 1-10 its very close to...that feeling you might have after you just succeeded to rape yourself with a knife and a hammer. Someone said that, Plan nine from outer space is the worst film ever made...hmm,well that might be true, but that is at least a film, this is just 80 minutes of disturbance.
vict1576 My dad had bought it because him and I love sci-fi movies. When the intro started, we could already see how bad the movie was. The special effects were so bad that you would think they were made in Microsoft paint. We started to laugh just 2 minutes in the movie because the acting was so poor. It was so funny (in a bad way) that we ended up seeing it from start to finish.The movie is about some young people camping in a forest next to a military base. The meet the "Avatar" which has made ​​herself into a human. I did not understand why because she quickly reveal what she is. She must fight the evil alien which I did not understand why it was on the earth. The campers helps this avatar and must fight together against the evil alien.The plot sounds okay, but believe me, it has been cut so bad, and the special effects are really really bad.but 10/10 because it gave me a good laugh!Sorry for bad English