How to Rob a Bank
How to Rob a Bank
| 25 January 2007 (USA)
How to Rob a Bank Trailers

Caught in the middle of a bank robbery, a slacker and a bank employee become the ones who arbitrate the intense situation.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
dimboD I rated this movie a ten not because of the brilliant actors' play the magnificent director work or the incredible make-up, I rated this movie a 10 because the screenplay is amazing. The simple truths hiding in plain sight. The value differential between one decision and another and the comatose state in which we make those decisions - there is the genius of this movie. Revealing things hiding in plain sight like the surcharges in the bank and the way small decisions can realizations can make your life different. I first watched the movie when I was 13 or 14 now I am 20 and I have watched the movie more than 6-7 times. I love it. I hope you appreciate the brilliant screenplay and the subtle messages that it tries to send through the whole situation that the movie is set in. You won't enjoy the movie if you don't want to think at all or you are too proud to recognize your blind spots...
SnoopyStyle Jinx (Nick Stahl) is locked in the bank vault with sarcastic Jessica (Erika Christensen) tied up. He's ranting about bank service charges but he only wants his $20. Then she receives a call from Simon (Gavin Rossdale). He's the bank robber and he wants his cohort Jessica to open the vault. Police officer DeGepse (Terry Crews) is outside wondering what's going on.Stahl and Christensen tries a bit of quirky rom-com but that mostly fails. It's trying hard with few resulting laughs. Then there is the heist scheme. It makes very little sense. It seems more reasonable for Jinx to hold up in the vault which leads to the big problem with the ending. It makes even less sense than the original scheme. It's a movie that can't be dissected logically. I like the two leads and they keep this movie from completely crashing.
Avihoo Ilan While the title of this movie is "How to Rob a Bank", it had only scenic reference to bank robbing. This movie really is an allegory about social dynamics; how to be a master of your own destiny (rob a bank) instead of being moderated into a meaningless controlled life by society (pretty much having very little money after paying for charges, etc...). "How to Rob a Bank" is a good movie that can be easily misunderstood if taken as either an action movie, a thriller or a straight on comedy. It has a genre of its own and a powerful message. The acting is the strongest aspect of the movie and rightly so, in order to deliver that message. The movie could have been better if it had more time to emphasize and elaborate, but then the rather short runtime of the movie (81 minutes) were quite effective. If you do watch that movie, pay attention to social dynamics instead of technical bank robbing details.
quintinelroy How Rob a Viewer is more like it. I just saw this on On Demand HD Cable. For the first time ever with On Demand I really want my $ 6.99 back! I saw that this was an independent movie with a first time director released by IFC and it looked like it might be a cool little flick. Boy was I wrong. This thing is one of the worst films I have ever seen. If I had any power I would nominate this for a Razzie Award. It would win. Definitely the worst film of the year nomination. The story goes nowhere cinematically, photographically or thematically. Some of the acting is worse than a high school drama. Witness the exchange between the COP on the street and the angry young man trapped in the bank. I don't know if I can blame the actors as they look completely lost, as if they have no idea of what they are supposed to be doing and no direction. The lead performances are schizophrenic, without tracking any kind of performance. One minute the man trapped in the bank vault, with the horribly cheese ball sexy receptionist, is freaking out in a panic and the next he is chill and calm and delivering smooth cool lines to the femme fatal. Horrible. The dialog is trying so hard to be clever but it trips all over it's self conscious self. The clumsy attempt to message this plot out with a angry protest cry at banks for charging $ 1.50 ATM fees is laughable - but not funny.The direction and production blatantly audition for an ultra mainstream Hollywood production in attempts to look slick and keep the camera fluid but just call attention to itself in it's half baked passionless, committee driven excuse for a movie. IFC I want my $ 6.99 back.