R | 12 October 2007 (USA)
Sleuth Trailers

On his sprawling country estate, an aging writer matches wits with the struggling actor who has stolen his wife's heart.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
The Couchpotatoes I have to admit that the first part of the movie I was curious where this was going to. I still thought it would get us somewhere. But a little bit over in the second part I realized it was going nowhere and that I was losing my time watching this movie. It lost my attention and I even got bored. Not that the actors are bad, I actually do like Michael Cain. Jude Law a little bit lesser but he's still okay. But in Sleuth there is nothing that get you excited or intrigued like you should be in a mystery thriller. It's like watching a bad play in the theater. You can't wait until it's over. What I also found very annoying was the music. That boring piano/violin music that actually fits this movie, because they are both boring.
mccabegabe I got bored watching this movie. The acting is fantastic by Jude Law and Micheal Caine but it really did feel like watching a play. There was some darkly humorous moments and a few scenes of suspense, but I saw the surprise twist (I won't give anything away) coming from a mile away. If I hadn't seen that, perhaps I would rank it higher. I felt like I kept waiting for this to get better, and the intensity stayed at one level. It was just okay, overall. It seems like a lot of plays have been adapted to movies lately, and for me, most of them to do translate that well to screen. These days, movies move so fast that talking head movies have to have stellar dialogue to make it.
Cayo Hern I hate when a poorly made new and unnecessary film re-make pushes a superior original into the shadows. The Olivier original is in the Amazon Top 250 Films of All-Time....and yet try to find a copy of it on DVD AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Hopefully, someone will at Amazon will realize that the DVD isn't priced correctly and then the demand will result in a re-release of this DVD! How do we get Amazon to revise their prices? I see this happens sometimes with books on Amazon, but this is the first DVD I've wanted that's been affected by these computer glitches. Is there a CONTACT AMAZON or a complaint center we can refer this to? Please advise them if you know how...Until then, I'll just be patiently waiting for the price to come down on the DVDs of the original version.
Hollywoodfun The movie Sleuth is an amazing movie that I enjoyed watching the whole way through. The suspense kept building, and the final result was not easy to determine. Kenneth Branagh directs an incredible mystery thriller that is very entertaining to watch, as the movie keeps your eyes on the screen at all times. The dialogue in this movie is so intriguing that having just two characters in one house the entire movie works out very well. And then, what really makes the movie is the incredible cast: Jude Law and Michael Caine. These two people are the centre of all the action in this movie. The talent portrayed by both of them is mind blowing. I especially loved Jude Law's performance as Tindle and the level of wit that he portrayed through his role. As usual, he delivers an amazing performance that was one of the best performances from a male actor that I have ever seen. Overall, two wonderful performances from Jude Law and Michael Caine that contributed to the amazing movie that this was.The script in this movie was also well-written, for the dialogue between the two characters was always full of wit and words that can keep an audience's eyes on the screen at all times. But of course, two incredible actors were needed in order to well-portray what the screenplay was about. A combination of screenplay, directing, and acting all contributed to making this movie the fantastic one that it was.I would recommend this movie to all viewers who enjoy mystery, wit, and suspense in films.