Red Canyon
Red Canyon
R | 01 January 2008 (USA)
Red Canyon Trailers

In Red Canyon, Regina and Devon return to their family home in the badlands of Utah to face the memory of a brutal attack - and put it behind them. But in coming home they awaken a killing rage in a town where everyone has ties that bind.

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
trashgang Red Canyon would never had the opportunity to be laying there on horror conventions these days wasn't it that Norman Reedus was in it with his Walking Dead fame. On the other hand, the sleeve looked great and did remind you of a Rob Zombie flick. But we all know that sleeves and promotion on the sleeve can trick the potential buyer. I was fooled and only bought it for Reedus. It had so many possibilities to make it a great movie but the editing and the flash backs make this almost unwatchable. The throwback to explain what happened years ago are so badly done. The use frustrating shaky cams and in post production they added some blurry effect. By doing so the so-called gory parts are teared down to stupid scene's that do show a lot but doesn't work at all.The flick itself had an okay story and I could dig the story but sadly the editor destroyed this flick.Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Petia Vladimirova I don't know why great actor as Norman accepted to play in such ridiculous movie. It's more than terrible, it's awful! Not even one good scene, no atmosphere, no plot... I wonder why someone gave money this to be filmed. Hour and a half absolutely waste of time! It's worst than teen drama, it's not even a horror, it's some kind of joke! Forget watching this, better find some friend and go to a bar! Unrelated scenes, hysterical girls, idiotic accidents... The guy who wrote the scenario must have been drunk. Without overstate - this is the worst thing I've ever seen! Half of the movie is how a few teens going on vacation, it should be in first ten to fifteen minutes, not more than half-hour. Not even one good scene, non violence, or sex, or fear even when they run and after them are killers who want to tear them apart. I could not feel anything of their emotions, I stayed like "When the interesting part will come?" The movie ended and it doesn't came. Now you go to thank toy Norman Reedus, because more of the raiting you have is because of him!
taytaydiggs12 This movie was totally awesome! Loved it all! Norman Reedus was terrifying and in control. There were so many twists and things you wouldn't expect. I watch this movie at least twice a day since I got it. It's sick but brilliant! If you have a hard time watching movies that contain certain graphic moments then this is not the movie for you. If you can handle it and like to see some good killing then watch this. It will blow your mind! I have to admit there are some bad acting in here but it's not that bad. There could have been a little more gore for a rated R horror movie but it's still good. Reminds me of House of 1000 Corpses. Norman Reedus is my favorite in this. He's the best of the best and can do anything. A shame what happens. But all in all it's a pretty damn good flick!
sushihoney Red Canyon feels like it's somewhere between a horror film a film noir set in the American west. It shares the same sense of heart pounding suspense and build - up that High Tension had - the same excruciating sense of dread until the final awful confrontation. It will also keep you guessing like no film I've ever seen before. In many ways it's flawed - but I liked those flaws - because they let you fill in your own story line - not everything is fed to you - and days after the movie you still kind of wonder about each detail in the story and if you've read what you've seen correctly. I watched it with a friend of mine - and she was almost started crying at the end. As much as it's a horror film - it gives you that feeling of reality and in a VERY strange way touches some of the deepest fears and taboos in our every culture.