Assault on Dome 4
Assault on Dome 4
| 08 October 1996 (USA)
Assault on Dome 4 Trailers

In this science-fiction action opus, intergalactic extremist Alex Windham has seized control of Dome 4, a scientific outpost on another planet, after escaping from a penal colony on Mars. Windham is forcing the staff of Dome 4 to construct new weapons that he can use to destroy his enemies, but what he doesn't know is that one of his captives is the wife of interstellar lawman Chase Moran, and Mor

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
TheLittleSongbird I wasn't expecting a huge amount out of Assault on Dome 4 in the first place, but as I like Bruce Campbell I thought there might be some entertainment at least. And although I do not deem Assault on Dome 4 a good movie at all, there were some entertaining parts. All of them provided by Bruce Campbell, the villain is the movie's most colourful character and Campbell's gleefully enjoyable(even if a little hammy at times) performance and some sharp one-liners help. The movie also isn't shot too bad. Unfortunately, while Campbell is great, the rest of Assault on Dome 4 just doesn't match. The special effects are cheaply constructed, and audibly it is an uncomfortable mixture of loud and murky. Campbell's witty one-liners show some bright spots, but the rest of the script is clunky, the inclusion of literary quotes was just clumsy writing, rather than sharp with lowbrow and bordering on childish humour. The story is plodding and by-the-numbers with nothing suspenseful and thrilling at all, even the action-y sequences look tired. Of the characters Campbell's is the only halfway believable one, the rest are so stock and bland with one of the dullest heroes of any movie seen recently or ever. The direction is flat, and the rest of the acting including Joseph Culp- I'd also go as far to say especially so- is just lazy. Overall, Bruce Campbell is great and hugely enjoyable but the rest is not worth bothering with. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Sean_Collier "Assault on Dome 4" is certainly not a good movie. In any sense of the word "good". The filmmakers didn't do a "good" job; The storyline wasn't a "good" idea; The movie, if left alone, wouldn't provide for a "good" time. However, there is but one man we can count on to save even the most awful drek that any channel (Sci-Fi included) can produce. And that man is Bruce Campbell.I highly reccomend this movie, solely for Campbell. His performance is hilarious, his character is dead-on, and he actually seems to be glad to be there, unlike most Sci-Fi Channel actors.One note, though - if you're not a Bruce fan, SEE EVIL DEAD FIRST. He does a terrific job in this movie, but...come on. There's not much to think about there."Oh, YOU KILLED ME!" Thanks for another great effort, Bruce.My score: 5 (out of 10)Number of those points attributed to Campbell: 4.8
curiousnova Despite the best efforts and trademark hamminess of Bruce Campbell, this is a real clunker of a movie. Lowbrow humor and gratuitous violence (a guy gets his hand sliced off and it's used as a joke later in the film - REALLY funny there, guys) can't cover up the retread plot and thuddingly dull pace of this film. I'd choose anything - doing dishes, poking a paperclip into a light socket - rather than sit through this again.
Andrew Benjamin Assault on Dome 4 I thought was a good film despite its low budget. The film is about criminal named Alex Windham (Bruce Campbell) who escapes from jail and hires the other criminals to help take over Dome 4. Chase Moran (Joseph Culp) visits the dome to surprise his wife for their anniversery. Unfortunately, Alex and his goons are in his way and Chase must to defeat them to save Earth and his wife. This film I found quite good. I don't really like action movies but this one I did. The acting was average, except Bruce Campbell who was great. He is just great as Alex. This movie I would recommend to Bruce Campbell fans and to people who like action movies without budgets.10/10