Bail Out
Bail Out
R | 28 February 1990 (USA)
Bail Out Trailers

A bail bondman hires three L.A. bounty hunters to protect a wealthy heiress, after her ex-boyfriend with connections to a drug cartel is murdered. When the heiress is abducted and taken to the cartel's Mexican hideout, the trio heads south to rescue her in time for her to testify against her ex-boyfriend's killers.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Woodyanders Easygoing Roger 'White Bread' Donaldson (the always awesome David Hasselhoff), scruffy Casper 'Bean' Garcia (affable Thomas Rosales Jr.), and smooth Mason 'Blue' Walcott (the excellent and engaging Tony Brubaker) are a trio of bumbling bounty hunters who are assigned to keep track of wealthy witness Annette 'Nettie' Ridgeway (the ever sublime Linda Blair). Complications ensue after Ridgeway gets abducted by evil Columbian drug kingpin Zalazar (nicely played with deliciously slimy zeal by Gregory Scott Cummins).Writer/director Max Kleven keeps the blithely dopey story zipping along at a brisk pace, stages the thrilling action set pieces with considerable aplomb (lots of stuff blows up), derives plenty of laughs from the amusing sense of amiable no-brainer humor, maintains a likable lighthearted tone throughout, and even sprinkles in some tasty bare female skin for trashy good measure. The choice cast of familiar B-flick faces in colorful small roles adds immensely to the overall entertainment value: John Vernon (in peak growly form as crusty rich dude Mr. Ridgeway), Dick Durock, Bob Minor, George 'Buck' Flower (in his umpteenth drunken bum part), Danny Trejo, Roy Jenson, and the delectable Debra Lamb, who really steams up the screen as a saucy motel clerk wearing nothing but a smile and a towel on her head. Chuck Cirino's funky bumping score hits the right-on bitchin' spot. Anthony Gaudioz's sunny cinematography provides an attractive bright look. A real dippy hoot and a half.
Hitchcoc They obviously spent a lot of money on this one. There are locations shots, helicopters, explosions, horses, Mariachi sombreros. It's an aimless adventure flick that's supposed to be funny. The people are all caricatures but don't pull it off. I'm not saying it isn't a little fun. It's a TV kind of movie with little real development. A series of episodic rescues. Underlying everything is the fact that people are willing to kill or be killed without really looking into the realities of everything. Linda Blair. What a career. She looks a little frumpy for a leading lady. Hasselhoff is all blue eyes and testosterone. But it is just a bunch of chases, automatic weapons, body parts, some nudity. Just to drag a few people into a movie theater or to watch a video. Like a thousand things I've seen before with almost nothing to recommend it.
John M Upton This is one of those career stopping straight to video efforts that should never have been made.I giggle with irony here as this long lost film which for reasons unknown got renamed Bail Out in 1994, has finally landed in the UK shores in a Supermarket cheap DVD range at just 97p! The biggest irony of all of course being that is about what this pile of poo probably cost to make.....Anyway, I digress....Leaving aside the fact that my 97p (about 60c for US readers) DVD was utterly terrible in terms of picture and sound quality, brings me on to film itself.Allow you jaw to drop to the floor in disbelief as you watch some of the worst acting and out of sync dubbing in movie history.Roll on the floor with laughter at Hasselhoff's introduction scene into this mess as he plays tennis in slow motion, and then later he sings in the shower and attempts to ride a horse - both badly! Giggle incessantly at Linda Blair playing the damsel in distress that is straight out of the Hollywood cheap movie handbook. She must have need the cash methinks....Go 'Ooooh' at the ten quids worth of recycled special effects.Belly laugh at the cardboard stereotyped bad guys, the leader of which just has to be seen to be believed. Some of the other stereotypes on offer here are also straight out of central casting.Needless to say the damsel in distress is kidnapped not once but twice (how careless is that?) and of course is rescued with the usual requisite explosions, gun fights and some weird Mexican fella who appears at a crucial moment before vanishing without so much as a reasonable explanation.There is also a reasonable gun fight in a scrapyard towards the start that seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the plot whatsoever, in addition no explanation is offered for the Bail Bond guy's mysterious car change in the opening credits.If you are a fan or collector of Hasselhoff's work, you may want to track this pile of garbage down, especially if you want a laugh.Everyone else is well advised to steer well clear!
hotsoup10 Bail out is one of the best movies of all time. David Hasselhoff is the greatest actor ever. This movie displays his unbelievable acting abilities. I have never seen a movie like this. I mean, I was seriously touched while watching this movie.
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