Hammer of the Gods
Hammer of the Gods
R | 05 July 2013 (USA)
Hammer of the Gods Trailers

Action epic sees a passionate young man transform into a brutal warrior as he travels the unforgiving landscape in search of his long lost brother Hakan The Ferrocious, whose people are relying on him to restore order to their kingdom.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Freedom060286 When I mentioned to someone I liked Northmen: A Viking Saga, it was suggested I watch this one. But it turned out to be not nearly as good.The movie did have high quality cinematography and most of the locations were very nice. It wasn't a boring movie, there was a lot of action and intense dramatic situations throughout. But there was plenty wrong with it. The movie's characters were far from likable, except for Agnes who was played by the best of the cast, Alexandra Dowling. The paedophile Viking was a very disgusting character. The cave dwellers were a sickening lot: there was an incestuous relationship and cannibalism. The Saxons were shown to be poor swordsmen, easily defeated even when their numbers were far greater than the Vikings (presumably Danes). History tells a different story. Despite being the people defending their homeland from invaders, the Christian Saxons were portrayed as the villains. The story seemed confused and illogical by times. Harald was the name of a brother of Steinar, but that's a Saxon name, not Viking. Why was the black guy in this supposedly "historical" movie? There were no black people in England at that time. Some of the violent acts in the story didn't make sense. Why would Grim angrily kill the woman who was being stoned, after they saved her? Why did the older brother of Steinar kill his half- brother? Was it necessary for Steinar to kill one of his closest friends? Sadly, despite it's excellent cinematography, Hammer of the Gods is not a good movie.
Jeremy Spencer I liked how the film stuck to its theme - the hammering of superstition, whether it be organised religion or Kings purporting to be Gods. This is much more interesting than just another shaggy haired Viking romp.It made me think of Britain's history and the struggles we have had with oppression from the Church and over mighty kings. May be the influence of the Vikings has helped give us our scepticism about extreme ideology and those who would set themselves high above all.The central character is convincing and sympathetic, despite the regular lashings of gore. The landscapes of the Northern mountains lend a mystic bleakness to it all. Its a very male film, with just one female support. No Boadicea here!And there are touches of modernity in the psychedelic scenes and even a nod to gayness, bondage style!I can't guarantee you'll like it, but well worth a watch.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Hammer of the Gods" had potential to be much more than it ended up being. The storyline was good enough, and the action sequences were great, lots of really nice scenery, but, but, but... It was all weighed down to the point of idiocy by an excessive usage of foul language which was highly time-period inappropriate. I am pretty sure that vikings didn't use the f-word, nor call people c...suckers!It was a shame with the excessive foul language, because it really brought down the value of the movie to a point where it was starting to become a nuisance and bordering on being too much.And as for the vikings speaking English, well... Of course, it is a movie, and the English language is universal, but still, there would have been so much more creditability to the movie if they actually spoke Norse.I will say that the costumes and outfits were quite nice, and there were some great details and touches here. Great weaponry and armory on the vikings and Saxons.The people hired for the various roles were also doing good enough jobs with their given roles, generally all-round. Of course, some more than others. But all in all, a fairly good ensemble of talents put together.The scene where Steinar was getting drunk or high, or whatever it was supposed to be, really fell to the ground by cheesy effects and bad usage of colors and slurring of the camera lens. And the whole segment where Steiner finds his brother in the cavern was really odd and very misplaced. So not only do we have Saxons and Vikings, but we also need to throw in some primitive cultists into the mix?As in many of these kind of movies, there was a very majestic feel to the landscape and scenery throughout the movie. Which is essential to this particular genre.If you enjoy the viking era, then I suggest you get your kicks by watching the TV series "Vikings", perhaps, because it far outshines "Hammer of the Gods". While "Hammer of the Gods" had its moments, it was just too difficult to get past the foul and inappropriate language and take the movie seriously.The movie was enjoyable for what it was, but given the foul language issue, then I am rating "Hammer of the Gods" a mere 3 out of 10 stars.
KyleRMayGuitar First, I want to say something about some of the other reviews, especially those pointing out its historical inaccuracy. If you want historically accurate Viking based stories, why are you looking for it in movies? Go read the Sagas of the Icelanders or the Snorri Sturluson Eddas.That aside, I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Without giving away too much, it's mostly a story about Steinar's transformation during his quest to find his brother. It's not a groundbreaking original story but it still held my attention and kept me entertained. The acting is solid but the script is vulgar and unnecessary at times. It didn't take away from the movie but excessive profanity gets old quickly. We get it, they're Vikings, and they're rough around the edges.The whole tone of the movie seemed, to me, heavily inspired by Valhalla Rising but a lot less abstract. I'm trying to not say "dumbed down" because it's not overly simplified, but it's not a movie that you need to see more than once to understand. Unlike Valhalla Rising, which you can watch 10 times and still be lost by the end.Hammer of the Gods looks great, both in cinematography and overall quality, and it is just complex enough that its overarching themes, mostly regarding religion, aren't blunt/cheesy but also aren't confusing. If you want to see some dudes with swords, axes, and hammers duke it out on a quest through Britain with just enough substance to entertain, then I would definitely recommend Hammer of the Gods.