Baggage Claim
Baggage Claim
PG-13 | 27 September 2013 (USA)
Baggage Claim Trailers

Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister's wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore finds herself with only 30 days to make a connection. Fortunately, her friends have cooked up a high-flying scheme to help Montana land...the perfect guy!

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Tildon Katz Movies that cater to a largely black audience doesn't in and of itself make it either good or bad, but this movie is insanely terrible. Many of the actors are really good and its unfortunate they have to accept these parts. Just about everything in this movie is some stereotype of white and black people, centered around a girl as a flight attendant, which is also incredibly exaggerated. Now some poor, ignorant girl with no education is going to think she should get a job like this and live an interesting life in search of a wonder man. I have known many flight attendants and TURST ME, very few, if any, of them lead a life like this. Its low pay, hard hours, terrible hotels, boring layovers, crews don't have any fun, passengers are nasty and treat you like a slave, and its an altogether sucking job that takes the life right out of you. The ones left doing it is because they have nothing else better they can do and are just stuck there. However, the movie is light hearted and silly.
wilson trivino This hopeless hard working stewardess is living her dreams high above the skies. But down deep inside she seeks the solace of family and true love. In essence the 'happily ever after". Set on the friendly skies above. This modern woman is seeking love in all the wrong places. She does not want to end up alone and as an old maid. But that is exactly the path she is heading. A bit predictable in most places, this romantic comedy takes you for a ride high above the friendly skies. Makes for a fun light tale for those who seek mindless romance and root for the modern working woman. Baggage Claim makes you want to take a spin around and celebrate the adventure of life. It made for a good late night movie.
mikevonbach this was kinda a feel good film it made me feel good . i saw lots of attractive people no guns no drugs no cops with guns no bad language. Now i love sum gun fights naked strippers fast cars gang bangers with tattoo's.But does anybody want to drag themselves threw the mock at the films all the time? NO! So the review of this movie is rated AS A CHICK FLICK.If you want to have a good time with a nice soft female and maybe get some wine in her and some Chinese OR TY food.This film may get a guy layed.Save this flick for the nite when you want to go sensitive and show em that a real guy can bend without breaking.HAVE FUN AT THE MOVIES...
tom hilman I have to admit, I didn't know what to expect...I just thought that I was going to see a typical "black Christmas movie" that was horribly scripted, all the while using a great cast, and leaving me completely dissatisfied with my holiday experience...but that couldn't be more wrong. The follow-up of each cast member has a believable and consistent flow. All the actors seem to have a genuine connection with each other that emanates wonderful chemistry in the film. The men in the film look more incredible than they did in the original film, especially Mr. Morris 'sexual chocolate' Chestnut; and Mr. Taye Diggs' smile is more disarming and brighter than ever.