Good Advice
Good Advice
R | 15 November 2001 (USA)
Good Advice Trailers

An investment banker loses everything and must discover what's important in life.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
garbageidontneed If I could have done 0, then I might have. But Angie is amazing just as she is. The rest of this is so obvious you know the story with in the first 4 minutes. Everything is so bad and stereo type.Actually, I think it was Denise best performance.So I have to do 10 lines of text so I guess I will write more on this film.Uhh.... Predicable. Angie Harmon, good. Acting in a whole very very flat. Story wanted to be cute and smart, but falls way behind. The opening is so bad that it drags on just to show you how much the lead can fall. Then when the fall happens it is so obvious that you just can't wait for it happen. Just a waste of time. Unless you want to see how not to do a Romantic Comedy and how not to director actors that are not bad actors on their own. So for that education may be worth watching.
winstonfg Loved the movie: There's a lot to like - Snappy dialogue, genuine laughs, a bit of pathos and generally warm bubble-gum feel to it. Plus, of course, Sheen and Harmon (who looks good enough to eat) - who work well together and have good on-screen chemistry ; Lovitz and Peters - always good value; Richards and Arquette - who I normally don't like, but who do surprisingly well here; and a deliciously slimy Barry Newman. It's not Oscar-nomination stuff, but it is a very enjoyable way for canoodling couples to spend an hour and a half with a bottle of wine or a bag of popcorn.Hate the message: Shallow insider trader gets caught, fired, cuckolded, and eventually finds himself and his true love though being an agony aunt, only to get revenge and 1.5 mil with what? Yup, you guessed it: an insider trade. Money wins, and they all live happily ever after. God bless America.In 'Trading Places' it made sense. Here, I thought they could have done better.
Louise Pledge If you can get past the immorality and a little language, the movie is pretty watchable. The acting was respectable, especially liked Angie Harmon and Rosanna Arquette. Don't recall the actor's name who played Rosanna's husband, but he was quite fun to watch, as well. There may even be a few lessons to be learned, as far as honesty and integrity... lessons to be learned by the viewers, that is, as I don't believe that, even in the end, the main character really caught on to them. We don't find very many movies on TV here in Saudi Arabia that we can last through the first ten minutes of, but we managed to stay tuned to all of this one, so I guess that says something for it :)
movieluver22 This movie was not terrible, but definitely not my favorite. I found that all the profanity and sexuality was startling. I would definitely would not recommend this for anyone under 15. Ryan Turner(Charlie Sheen) played a colorful and emotional part of a man at the end of his road. Cindy Styne(Denise Richards) played a perfect beautiful but incredibly dumb blonde in this movie. Page Hensen (Angie Harmon) was incredible at her part of the good girl that had "given up" dating until she met Turner(Sheen). All together I don't regret watching this movie.. but I have most definitely seen better.I would recommend this movie to people over the age of 15 that are looking for a romantic comedy.