PG-13 | 24 February 2012 (USA)
Gone Trailers

Jill Conway is trying to rebuild her life after surviving a terrifying kidnapping attempt. Though she is having a difficult time, she takes small steps toward normalcy by starting a new job and inviting her sister, Molly, to move in with her. Returning home from work one morning, Jill discovers that Molly has vanished, and she is certain that the same man who previously abducted her has returned for revenge.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
MichaelMRamey My girlfriend at the time put this film on and I agreed to it because I like not only Amanda Seyfried but Jennifer Carpenter from her time on Dexter. This movie is entertaining at times, but boring at others. There are really no surprises in this film, you can tell what's going to happen before it happens for the most part and just feels like lazy writing. Nothing against Seyfried in this film, she really tries to sell it, but I'm sure it isn't a film she holds at high regard. It also feels very teen; as in it's a film I'm sure teens enjoy. I gave it a 5 because it wasn't the worst thing I've seen, but I definitely wouldn't watch it again.
jtindahouse 'Gone' is my kind of movie. I love a film where you are never entirely sure what is going on. It's a fantastic element for a film to possess, because it keeps the audience involved and interested. 'Gone' is quite a clever story in that sense. In fact it's almost a little too clever for its own good - but we'll get to that a little later. The story revolves around a former kidnap victim whose sister goes missing. We then follow her journey to try and track down the sister's whereabouts. The mystery is both present in the whereabouts of the sister and also whether there is another level to the mystery or not (it has been made clear that she is not entirely right in the mind after the events that happened to her - and even those events actually having happened are under suspicion).Sound like a good set up for a film? It certainly does to me. As I mentioned earlier though the film is a little too clever for its own good. What I meant by that was that the film set itself up for endless possibilities and the chance to have a really clever and mind-blowing ending. Unfortunately though it somehow manages to dodge all that potential and comes up with something extremely bland instead. It sounds like the director wasn't too happy with the studio intervention, and I have to imagine this was the biggest argument they had. A real let down and one of the few flaws I could find with an otherwise excellent film. The pacing is great, the acting is terrific and it's a fun journey. Just try not to let the ending leave too much of a sour taste in your mouth.
tarasensei A woman believes that her sister has been kidnapped by the same man that kidnapped her the year before, but she escaped. The story line is great. It's refreshing to watch a movie that is actually suspenseful and has a strong female lead. It kept me guessing throughout the movie over what exactly was going on, or how it was going to end. There are some really creepy characters in this film, and once the The writing was really good. Once the momentum of the story began, it just keeps rolling. The ending was fantastic. I don't understand why there are so many bad reviews for this movie...or maybe I do - heaven forbid a strong female character be the focus of a film where she doesn't need to be rescued.
guil fisher To begin with the lead, Amanda Sigfried, looked like her eyes would pop out any minute. She looked weirder than the weirdos in this flick. I couldn't stand her and was hoping someone would just kick her in the ass.Cannot believe she can fire a gun at cops and get away. In other words she was a pain in the ass. She continues to use people throughout the movie. She's nuts!Yet she has time to completely make up her eyes. There are few actresses that bother me and this is one. The stupid writers let her get away.Most of the cast are good, but she ruins this film and they don't have a chance with Miss Bug Eyes.Whatever you do avoid any Amanda Siegfried movies.