| 01 April 2009 (USA)
Billionaire Trailers

DHL Founder and billionaire Larry Hillblom seemed to have vanished into thin air when he failed to return from a routine flight in his vintage Seabee over the Pacific. After his disappearance, a dark side of Larry emerged. Even before he was officially declared dead, bar girls throughout Southeast Asia came forward claiming to have had children by Larry and seeking a piece of his vast fortune. BILLIONAIRE unravels the secretive and scandalous life of this enigmatic and reclusive tycoon. The battle over his estate took on epic proportions, pitting impoverished, teenage prostitutes against Larry's former business associates and several of the largest law firms in the world. In the end it is a David and Goliath story, as a surprising hero emerges to untangle the web and discover the startling truth.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
ksf-2 SPOILERS ! I hadn't realized that Hillblom had any kids...acc to wikipedia, four of the eight kids that sued actually WERE his own children. Co-founded DHL. Some weirdness about his disappearance. Currently showing on Popcorn Channel. Narration by the people involved - friends and lawyers -- Bob O'Connor, Joe Waechter, Bob Lujan, Mike Dotts. Ironic that Hillblom had already had one plane crash. and flew older planes too. mostly well done. Interviews with lots of people involved. Directed by Alexis Spraic, who does mostly documentaries. Produced by Bunim Murray, which has done many reality shows ie. Real World, Kardashian, Lohan, Project Runway. Pretty good entertainment! They all pretty much say "we're not sure what's going on, but everyone is trying to grab a piece of the cash." if it all works out, the UCSF will get some of his estate, but the courts will have to figure out which kids are Larry's first!
micirisi Larry Hilblom co-founded DHL became wealthy then semi-retired to Saipan where he dabbled in a diverse array of businesses, aviation, and secretly fathering illegitimate children. Lacking a pilot's license and surviving a serious plane crash did not deter Larry from the skies. He figured if you survive one crash then you have a free pass the rest of your life. He figured wrong. Died in a plane crash. His will directed all his monies to be managed by a foundation with the principal beneficiary the University of California. Numerous island mothers from near and far soon came out of the woodwork claiming a piece of Larry's fortune for their son/daughter of Hilblom. And the race was on. Very interesting story, told well.