PG | 17 August 1984 (USA)
Sheena Trailers

Sheena's parents are killed while on Safari. She is raised by the mystical witch woman of an African tribe. When her foster mother is framed for the murder of a political leader, Sheena and a newsman, Vic Casey, are forced to flee while pursued by the mercenaries hired by the real killer, who hopes to assume power. Sheena's ability to talk to the animals and knowledge of jungle lore give them a chance against the high tech weapons of the mercenaries.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Damien_King86 There is really only one reason to watch this movie, and that reason has a name: Tanya Roberts. Anyone who pretends otherwise is a lying fiend. Anyway, Sheena is obviously in the narrative tradition of Tarzan, with a very simple, kind-of-silly-but-still-charming story about greedy rascals being thwarted by a benevolent, jungle-dwelling white person who also happens to be amazingly attractive in every way. It mostly works. There are some funny moments sprinkled throughout the script that are well-written. The filming locations are authentic and beautiful and the animal actors and stunts are pretty convincing, especially considering how this was not a big budget production. There is only one particularly dubious special effect involving birds swarming a helicopter which throws you totally out of immersion. Sheena's "magic" abilities taught to her by the Shaman are also a little hokey, and sort of give her the land-based version of Aquaman's powers, but basically works in the context of the story. I was also surprised at how much agency Sheena has throughout the movie. Her principle allure may be her nude scenes and skimpy clothing, but she is still a capable heroine who needs very little to no help from her new man-friend to win the day. It was good that the writer's allowed her to be the actual heroine of the movie, instead of merely the eye candy. Ultimately, this is a guilty pleasure, but I found it to be much more entertaining that the movie's reputation suggested, and I would not hesitate to buy a nice, blu-ray collector's edition if they will ever get around to releasing it. Especially if it has extended waterfall bathing sequences.
RavenGlamDVDCollector This often maligned movie is my personal film classic. I saw it in 1984 at a drive-in theater, and now you've got to take my country into account. South Africa with its Draconian censorship laws still in full force, with the emphasis on force, so there was no nudity. There were lots of promotional photographs of the bikini beauty in the press when it was released, but the poster was relatively subdued, bikini beauty yes, but mostly an adventurous image, rather than something pin-up. Anyway, I went to see the pretty girl, and got to see a fun movie with likable characters. Okay, so there are the corny bits, such as Sheena's calling-the-elephants stance. But it's all wonderful fun! And that theme music! Okay, so what if it's a striped pony? Hell, I didn't come to see a zebra. Hell, if you are after a real zebra, might I suggest National Geographic? Off you go then!That scene where she wakes up next to him the next morning, wow, can anybody ever be that perfect in real life? I had it copied onto VHS, and became even better friends with the guy who did it for me as a favor. We shared similar tastes. He was, by the way, the projectionist at this drive-in. I then discovered, through this video rental, the nude scenes. But it was a much-abused original, and my copy of course looked weak.Years later, and after an initial struggle, I have it on DVD. I well remember it was Sunday, 22 January 2010. Movie night! Finally, SHEENA! In all her splendor! First as a child (!! Wow, pretty kids! Really pretty, well-chosen children, but very surprising, all that nudity, not that I myself see anything wrong with that, quite the opposite, it is healthy and natural, BUT WE ALL KNOW HOW PEOPLE ARE, and I suppose there were at least some outcry in the Puritanical regions.) Then, gloriously, Tanya Roberts, all golden mane and long legs and curves everywhere, one stunning example of young maidenhood, and now fully exposed on equally glorious DVD! I could have wept with happiness!I have since also obtained the Gena Lee Nolan TV series and will be reviewing that in the near future, but Tanya Roberts is my particular favorite. Granted, if Gena Lee 'didn't waste her time on BAYWATCH' (not that I really, really mean that, for she was the best bird of the lot) and if SHEENA the TV series came along sooner, she'd have been in her absolute prime. But that's for another review.The action scenes are well done, and that military convoy looks great on the screen. Oh, that old toothless-looking circus lion was a letdown, and the chimps corny as hell, but who really cares when you've got such a feast of Grade A eye-candy? I also loved Sheena's way of talking. 'The water the wagons drink', 'his fermented buffalo milk will be your fermented buffalo milk', 'I see my death in your eyes', 'Vic Casey, you are a giant', the list could go on and on. Tanya Roberts is, by all accounts, a difficult actress to work with, and she really got canned for A VIEW TO A KILL, but the initial haughtiness of her Sheena really made the character all the more tangible.The theme music during the opening credits, and the dramatic climactic showdown, deserves special mention. I have a huge TV with powerful stereo sound (brag, brag :)) and I go full blast!Please somebody Find This Healing Earth In Real Life?Go for it. Just leave your two-bit movie critic attitude at the door. There are clearly many mistakes, there was room for improvement, but what was filmed, remains well worth watching again and again to this day!Update, 7 April 2017. Some thoughts on the Sheena subject after I've spent a considerable part of last month downloading pics of Sheena on DeviantArt. I will be forever divided in two here. For Sheena, it goes: Lean scantily-clad blond goddess, the glorious animals, the wonder of nature. Against it goes: any muscular depiction, which ruins it for me completely. My thoughts went back to the movie, and I had the warmest, warmest regard for Tanya Roberts. Even watched INNER SANCTUM. Say about her what you like, you bunch of detractors out there, I'll always judge her on what was delivered on the screen, and The Lady Is A Goddess. So feel free to mock this 1984 title, ridicule it all you want, but of course, as Wikipedia says, the box office bomb had its success on home video, in the privacy of people's homes, yeah, of course. I rest my case. I will take it even further though. I will go as far as to say that there is something about the Jeep/Landrover/whatever & zebra chase scene with the bow and arrow and that music that is just... words fail me... it will just stay with me forever. If a bit of nudity caused people to turn against it (a la SHOWGIRLS) then all the more reason for it to be seen in a more enlightened age. The kind of nudity here is pretty as a postcard. If anybody is offended by it, I AM OFFENDED MUCH MORE DEEPLY BY THAT KIND OF PERSON.What a relief to have this fun-filled jewel on DVD despite the bickering hordes bringing it down.
Wuchak With slight modifications, Sheena is basically just a female version of Tarzan, my all-time favorite fictional character. Everyone pretty much knows going in that the plot, dialog and acting of a film like this will be of the "B" movie variety, and it is, sort of like Indiana Jones but a bit less compelling. What's magnificent, awe-inspiring and "A" level are the African locations (Kenya), the score and Tanya Roberts.Seriously, if you're bored with your every-day locale this movie is the perfect antidote. It's virtually a two-hour tour of some of the most gorgeous African scenery you'll ever feast your eyes upon. As for the score, it's pleasant and meditative; reminiscent of "Chariots of Fire." Regarding Tanya Roberts, what can I say? She's stunning.I never concern myself with ratings when watching films, but I couldn't help but be a little surprised by the PG rating here because Sheena (Roberts) is shown TOTALLY nude on a number of occasions and prances around throughout the flick in a ridiculously skimpy leather bikini; but then it struck me that it's portrayed in an inoffensive way like Eve in Eden before the fall and the consequent awareness of evil. In other words, there's an almost child-like innocence and purity to Sheena even though she's a quite skilled warrior. I commend the film-makers for successfully capturing this quality. For this reason I personally don't feel the movie is inappropriate for kids, despite the nudity.My rating of B- reflects the happy medium between the Grade C plot, dialog & acting and the Grade A African locations, score and Ms. Roberts.The film runs 117 minutes.GRADE: B-
Son_of_Mansfield She e na is a bad movie, but Sheena is a hot girl, nooooow. It is important to remember that this was originally made in the fifties to show a girl in a loincloth. This eighties version has Tanya Roberts nude under a waterfall. Nice. Too bad that image is very early in the movie and the rest is all "love the animals, peace be with everyone." Tanya Roberts, while fully equipped to be naked, is not so equipped to be in a serious film which this misguided movie tries to masquerade as. Many have said that there is beautiful scenery, this is true. But it is frickin' Africa, it's harder to make it look bad. And you can't ignore the pathetic stereotypes that make this movie racist and sexist. To watch the horrible "silly natives" sequences that these movies always have coupled with lazy film-making that a twelve year could improve on, more than negates the pleasant sight of Tanya Roberts' moist breasts.