Generation Um...
Generation Um...
R | 02 May 2013 (USA)
Generation Um... Trailers

A drama that follows three adults during a single day in Los Angeles, one filled with sex, drugs, and indecision.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
katoucha I can't believe it has only 4 stars!!! I've just watched the movie. Some people talks about over acting, I don't think so, there's a lot of girls that behave that way. About the camera, well it is supposed to be done by a completely amateur, don't you remember the time you try to film something with your first camera? (I know it wouldn't be actually his first camera, but it is for sure his first professional camera). And the plot, I think people who rated it with 1 star haven't really understood the movie. It's just as simple as a guy who decides to film his birthday and think about his life, his average living day, just that; there's no fantasy, there's no a superhero, there's no a miraculous event that changes his life completely, that's why this movie is so awesome, makes you think how people behave in front of others and how their life really is. I would totally recommend this film, if you are tired of Hollywood's unbelievable stories this is a must see.
doug_park2001 It's difficult to make a film about ennui and apathy that's not itself ingrained with those very qualities, and GENERATION UM is a case in point. If you're not engrossed after 10 minutes or so, be advised, the rest of it's not much different than the start. Anyone who wants a good old-fashioned solid storyline with suspense, surprises, something in the way of character development, and all that sort of stuff is likely to be very disappointed.Many will rent or buy this simply because they want to see some gritty, raunchy stuff: Those people are also likely to be disappointed. As a character study or thematic think-piece, there are some interesting fleeting nuances, but they hardly carry the film. {But that's just the point: These characters are bored and apathetic and don't feel much like talking about their childhoods, what they want out of life, etc.}This film gets three stars from me because of its immediate realism, natural acting, and detailed camera work--the footage of NYC is quite captivating in places. Yet, these elements are not much use when the plot is so forlorn. Again, plotlessness is the entire point in portraying 24 hours of down-and-out on-the-edge existence in NYC, but I'm obviously not the only one who, despite this film's good intentions and fine ironies, found it hideously dull.
leonblackwood Review: What an awful movie. I really don't know what the hell the director was trying to attempt. Watching Keanu Reeves walk around in a complete daze for an hour and a half is definitely not entertaining. The storyline is complete rubbish, but the acting wasn't bad from the girls who had to make the best out of an awful script. The whole thing seemed liked it was filmed on someone's phone. Personally I don't know what the hell the film is about. My mind switched off halfway through the movie because nothing was happening. This has to be Keanu a Reeves worst film. Awful!Round-Up: Keanu a Reeves has a unique and strange way of acting which works in some films but not in all. It's weird seeing him come from the Bill & Ted's movies to the Matrix and then he comes out with this rubbish. I just hope that his 47 Ronin movie is good because this movie has to go down as a bad choice. As for the other characters in the film, I haven't really seen them in anything else so I can't really comment on there previous projects, but they did put in an emotional performance which seemed very real. I know that there was a point to this story with the ending, but I just didn't get it.I recommend this movie to people who want to watch Keanu Reeves walk around in a complete daze. 1/10
David Cooper This defined my life in so many levels, I don't live his exact life, no. But the dullness, borderline, bored, nothing there but 'Are you still talking' personality is. Creativity sucks, (like the movie)plots don't stick, I can not create anything that is or should be close to being called film worthy. This is what becomes my trash. It feels like I picked up the camera and gave a high time actor My life to film what I do. I'm not okay with it. It's mundane, it's terrible, even the character himself said: 'Maybe you should say something interesting.' It makes me angry and disgusted by this generation..whatever the hell you call Yes, it's true, yes I see what you did there. Yes, I would give it a higher rating normally for being real - as I should say great real life acting. Story sucks but what can I say, that was the meaning of the story right? To depict real life. This movie wasn't for me.