Gang Bullets
Gang Bullets
NR | 10 November 1938 (USA)
Gang Bullets Trailers

A Capone-like racketeer named Anderson, who after being chased out of one town by the authorities immediately sets up shop in another. Unable to get any tangible evidence against Anderson, DA Wayne orders his assistant Carter to dig up some dirt on the gangster boss. To do this, Carter pretends to turned crooked, joining Anderson's gang in order to accumulate evidence. Alas, Carter's girl friend Patricia knows nothing of her boyfriend's subterfuge, and she suspects the worst.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
tlkiefner When the theaters were owned by the major studios in the 30's and 40's the price of a ticket got you a feature film, cartoon, news reel, and what is now called a 'B' movie. "Gang Bullets" is one from Monogram, a major player during this era. If this film is judged against others in the same class I would put it in the upper 25%. Starring Anne Nagel (a rare top billing), Robert Kent, and Charles Towbridge it tells the story of a fast talking racketeer who thinks the district attorney can't touch him. The law has other ideas but can they capture the criminal? The 63 minute film moves along under the direction of Lambert Hillyer and the watchful eye of Scott Dunlap. There are hacked up versions including the internet archive version which is not as sharp and shorter. The DVD I purchased is much better quality and available for under $5.00. Abe Meyer, who made his living providing source music for many of these films did an adequate job with this one. A good watch.
Leofwine_draca GANG BULLETS is a low rent mobster story from cheapie studio Monogram Pictures, notorious for making endless B-movies on a shoestring. This film's about the efforts of an entire city's law and justice departments to bring a notorious criminal to book. Morgan Wallace plays said criminal, 'Big Bill' Anderson, with relish and certainly dominates the film with his larger-than-life persona. I loved the sly joke when he tells the cops that his tax records are up to date so they can't bring him to book.With a running time clocking in at just over an hour, GANG BULLETS is never boring for a moment and the plot constantly twists and turns as first the cops and then the criminals get the upper hand. The usual clichés of the gangster genre are played out here, including protection rackets, stings, and shoot-outs, and they're all handled with surprising aplomb given the paucity of the budget. The film lacks any big-name actors for recognition but works anyway despite this.
kevin olzak 1938's "Gang Bullets" shows that Monogram could occasionally compete with Warners' crime dramas, though on a noticeably smaller budget and less action. At the same time Boris Karloff began his 'Mr. Wong' series, the studio's modest ambitions show in this gritty expose of crime boss Morgan Wallace, against crusading District Attorney Charles Trowbridge, with top billing awarded former Warners starlet Anne Nagel, best remembered for her work at Universal in "Black Friday" and "Man Made Monster" (one of her last roles came in Monogram's Charlie Chan entry "The Trap," wearing a fetching bathing suit). After playing the surprise killer in "Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo," Robert Kent was back on the right side of the law, soon starring opposite Bela Lugosi in the 1939 serial "The Phantom Creeps." Morgan Wallace usually played villains, as he soon would in "Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation," before his memorable encounter with W. C. Fields in "My Little Chickadee."
wes-connors Noble district attorney Charles Trowbridge (as Dexter Wayne) and young assistant Robert Kent (as John Carter) are put to task when racketeer Morgan Wallace (as "Big Bill" Anderson) moves his base of criminal operations to their law-abiding Bridgetown. With sharp lawyers and knowledge about his rights, Mr. Wallace proves to be a tough mobster to convict, and the town becomes riddled with scandal. Pretty Anne Nagel (as Patricia "Pat" Wayne), the fiancée of Mr. Kent and daughter of Mr. Trowbridge, is startled when Wallace's corruption gets too close for comfort...This is a cheap, slow-moving crime drama from the "Monogram" company. The first interesting scene involves some rough interrogations - watch cameras keep rolling as Donald Kerr (as Joe Armstrong) gets his hat tossed onto the floor by a policeman. No retakes there. The highlight may be seeing young Bennie Bartlett (as Billy Jones), future "Bowery Boys" member, play a twelve-year-old who gets hit harder than most films of the era might allow. Top-billed Ms. Nagel isn't given very much to do. Trowbridge does what he can with the story's most interesting role.**** Gang Bullets (11/10/38) Lambert Hillyer ~ Robert Kent, Anne Nagel, Charles Trowbridge, Morgan Wallace