Woman Wanted
Woman Wanted
NR | 02 August 1935 (USA)
Woman Wanted Trailers

Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
dougdoepke Fast-paced, if rather muddled, programmer from MGM. The stars - McCrea & O'Sullivan - prove more likable than the story. Seems O'Sullivan's slated for execution for a murder she didn't commit. However, she's sprung for unknown reasons by a racketeer, and aided in her escape by lawyer McCrea. Together, they thread through a series of escapes from the cops and gangsters. But will she ever be cleared of the murder.The story's played in fairly light-hearted fashion and is occasionally amusing, especially when the fetching O'Sullivan plays hide-and-seek with McCrea's feisty fiancée (Ames) in his apartment. Also, relative unknown Robert Greig scores humorously as the butler Peebles. Then too, director Seitz manages to helpfully cover up much of the murky narrative with fast pacing. However, it surprises me that ritzy MGM didn't come up with better projection screens for the action shots behind both boats and cars. All in all, the movie fails to rise above programmer status, even though the two leads show how ready they are for bigger and better things.
MartinHafer "Wanted Woman" has a nice cast, but is so poorly written that they are entirely wasted. Had the MANY plot holes been plugged, it could have been a cute comedy/mystery picture.The film begins with Ann (Maureen O'Sullivan) being convicted of murder. However, since she is an adorable leading lady, you know she's innocent. So, when she manages to escape custody, you know that she'll eventually be able to prove her innocence. True to the formula (used many times by Alfred Hitchcock in such films as "The 39 Steps" and "The Girl Was Young" AND "Saboteur"), you know she'll soon meet up with a nice member of the opposite sex (Joel McCrea) who will have a lengthy adventure with her.The film fails repeatedly because again and again, folks behave irrationally--making decisions that simply make no sense. Why does the guy help and escaped convicted murderer?! Why would he then drive drunk? Why does his butler automatically do the same and repeatedly lie to the police and obstruct justice? Why would the guy run off at the end and try to solve the crime all by himself--isn't that what police are supposed to do? The bottom line is that although the couple have nice chemistry and I loved the butler, Peedles (Robert Greig), the film failed repeatedly due to sloppy writing.
moviejoe79 I watched this movie mostly to see Maureen O'Sullivan and Joel McCrea starring together. Both of them are all but forgotten in today's world and they're not thought of as 'A' list classic Hollywood stars. However in 1935 both were at the top of their game, starring and co-starring in one movie after another. This MGM suspense/murder mystery/action film was a lot more entertaining than I expected. It moves at a fast pace and the script is pretty tight. O'Sullivan is the last actress you'd expect to see as a wanted murderess but that's exactly why it works. She's vulnerable yet tough and has the ability to say so much with her facial expressions, let alone the dialogue. McCrea as the dashing lawyer that comes to her aid is perfect. He's his usual, cool, everyman self, even though he's the hero throughout. I've always liked that about his performances, anything he does he makes believable. Try to catch it the next time it's on TCM.
bkoganbing Joel McCrea and Maureen O'Sullivan star in Woman Wanted about a fugitive who escapes minutes after her murder conviction and the young attorney who tries to help her. I'll let you decide which of the stars played what role.Seriously though, Woman Wanted could have and should have been a straight drama, but the folks at MGM decided to try for some comedy relief. Though some of the bits are funny, especially the performance by Robert Grieg as McCrea's butler, they don't come as relief. Instead they interrupt the flow of the plot.After her conviction for murder, Maureen O'Sullivan is sprung from the courthouse by gangster Louis Calhern who wants information from her. Of course she didn't do the crime and the jailbreak goes well, but Maureen jumps into Joel McCrea's car. Now the proper thing to do would be for attorney McCrea to advise her to turn herself because he is an officer of the court. Still she's kind of cute. So as the Woman Wanted, O'Sullivan is only wanted by McCrea for good reasons, the police and the mob have other things in mind.Lewis Stone is in a similar undefined role as the District Attorney. Usually Stone is wise and sagacious even when he's not Judge Hardy on the screen. Here he's not all that smart, but he's a Rhodes Scholar next to the police who graduated from the Mack Sennett Police Academy. There is another good bit by Edgar Kennedy as a flustered house detective.In the films of Joel McCrea, Tony Thomas correctly says this is a B film, but it's got the MGM gloss to it so it looks far better than it really is.