R | 27 June 1995 (USA)
Galaxis Trailers

Legend says that the sacred crystal is the source for all life and was created at the beginning of time. Kyla has sought the crystal to use its powers for himself and he takes the crystal after smashing the defenders on the Planet Sintaria. But there is another identical crystal on Earth and Ladera heads there to get it before the evil Kyla. She finds that Jed has taken the crystal from is hiding place, but Victor and his inexhaustible hit men want it for money they gave to Jed. Ladera easily handles the weak earthlings and saves Jed, but Kyla is also after the crystal. Jed and Ladera must find the crystal before Kyla, the clueless cops or the dimwitted villains.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Stanjaudit Once again we had a reviewer who was criticizing a movie but was not a critic. This movie was entertaining and centered on a civilization that required a crystal to maintain order and peace for its people. The story opens with its people under attack by an evil empire led by Kyla who wants to posses the crystal. Tarkin leads the peaceful people with his sister Ladera. The Septarians are forced in to an underground bunker to preserve the crystal. HoweverKyla breaks breaks through kills Tarkin steals the crystal and flees. However, Ladera arrives before her brother passes on and he let's her know there is another crystal on Earth. The story shifts to Earth. The script while simple is easy to follow. Jed is the young man on Earthnthat discovers the crystal while in Peru. He had borrowed money from corrupt kingpin and at this time had no resources to pay Victor back. Appearing on Earth for the crystal are Ladera and Kyla. What follows is process of the local police, Jed, Ladera and Kyla trying to obtain the crystal. The action is great, the effects are okay and the acting is great. These are professional actors performing in a sci fi movie. Many of the earthlings are dumbfounded at first and act the part very well. The two aliens Ladera and Kyla perform their roles with aplomb as well. All in all a very entertaining sci fi movie.
nitflegal They seem to have spent their whole budget on the not too badly done Sci-Fi battle at the beginning. After that, nothing but garbage. It looks filmed on a soundstage, the plot makes little sense, and the acting is pretty poor. As usual, Brigitte Nielsen looks pretty darned good and shows a fair bit of cleavage.Aside from her and the first 10 minutes, it's a waste of film.Matt
kjpires At first I wanted to blame the actors for their bad acting and then I wanted to blame the director, but I believe the largest blame should go to the screenwriter. Every performance in this film (even by the extras) sucks (that's the director's fault), but the words they are attempting to utter are so bad that the problem must start with the screenwriter. Not only is the dialog bad, the plot doesn't follow any logical sense.Don't waste any part of your life watching this movie!Kurt
Oslo Jargo (Bartok Kinski) This is a utter waste of time and the money should have used to feed starving children in Tazmania. Nielsen is still around after her big break up to Sly. She still can't act and it shows here. This most be one of the most stupid movies I have ever seen. It looks like something from the late 70's sci-fi phase and it even has a stop motion robot that was terribly done and it was made in 1995. Something about the story is that an evil magician lord who is trying to conquer the universe shows up in some ship and shoots people dead and then everything teleports to earth where it was cheaper to film because then you don't have to build big futuristic sets. Brilliant concept. Anyways, this is purely for the birds.