R | 03 September 2004 (USA)
Paparazzi Trailers

A rising Hollywood actor decides to take personal revenge against a group of four persistent photographers to make them pay for almost causing a personal tragedy involving his wife and son.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
kai ringler This movie shows the ugly side of being famous if you will. Paparazzi have always been into the lives of the rich and famous, just look at all those "rag" magazines,, the tabloids. anyways, the movie rocks, plain and simple, great story, very good acting i thought. Cole Hauser was pretty darn good, but the best performance hands down goes to Tom Sizemore, as the sleezy lead photographer. Dennis Farina plays a wiley cop on the trail of Bo, and the Paparazzi, William Baldwin is also in this movie and does a fairly decent job in here as well, i love how the story was set up, and then you had certain twists in the movie, this is basically a story of what would you do if you're family was in danger, or harmed in anyway.. All in all i really can't think of anything terribly awful in this movie at all, i loved the photography and the camera angles as well,, thumbs up for me on this one.
Lucien Lessard Bo Laramie (Cole Hauser) is a new rising action movie-star in Hollywood. His new film is an box office hit. He lives with an beautiful wife (Robin Tunney) and their young son (Blake Michael Byran) in a Hollywood home. Bo is new with the paparazzi but he would never expected that he will find himself stalked by a sleazy photographer (Tom Sizemore) and his co-workers (Daniel Baldwin, Tom Hollander and Kevin Gage). Bo's family are photographed as well. When he punched the photographer out of anger, the situation (especially his career) gets worse. When these photographers accidentally cause an automobile accident with Bo and his family. His wife is badly hurt and his son is in a coma. Bo turns himself into a vigilante person. He stalks the photographers, Who cause the accident but Bo finds himself questioned by a dedicated detective (Dennis Farina). Which this detective has an feeling that Bo isn't what he seems to be.Directed by Paul Abascal made an reasonable, routine but an nicely done thriller. This film is probably more of an joy for the Hollywood Actors. Who always find themselves stalked, being in paparazzi nightmares in public or being photographed in the most unappealing moments in their private life's than the causal moviegoer. This is certainly an Guilty Pleasure for Two Time Oscar-Winner:Mel Gibson. Who also being one of the producers of this movie. Which Gibson quoted "What a great revenge film this would make".DVD has an good anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer (also in Pan & Scan) and an fine:Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD has an reasonable interesting commentary track by the director, deleted scenes with optional commentary track by the director, two featurettes and original theatrical trailer. Since this film was an box office disappointment. Although there's good performances by Hauser, Farina and Sizemore at his slimy best. This thriller will certainly play better on DVD. Watch for Chris Rock, Tim Thomerson, Mel Gibson (The producer of this flick), Paul Abascal (The director of this film), Matthew McConaughey and Vince Vaughn in amusing cameos. This film about sleazy paparazzi and Hollywood actor fighting back is certainly an fascinating curio movie. However, it's worth a look. Super 35. (*** ½/*****).
ElmStreetsLastBrat I just saw this movie Paparazzi for the first time tonight on F/X and I found it to be a very good film. Although I could tell much of it was chopped and edited for cable it was still quite enjoyable. Cole Hauser plays Bo Laramie, an up-and-coming movie star who, along with his wife and young son, are constantly hounded and followed by the paparazzi. One night Bo and his family end up being in a terrible car accident caused by the endless flashing cameras from the paparazzi. And Bo's son Zack ends up in a coma and his wife is seriously injured. I found it a little disturbing to see the paparazzi taking pictures of Bo and his family while they're unconscious in their wrecked car on the side of the road. And on an even more disturbing note: this isn't an exaggeration! That is exactly how the paparazzi really is. They'll do anything to get a picture of a movie star doing no matter what. So when Bo realizes that the paparazzi is still following him after the accident to get pictures, even in the hospital, and they're not being charged with having to do anything with the accident, Bo takes matters into his own hands and the four members of the paparazzi end up dead. And Dennis Farina, who plays the main detective who is trying to work on Bo's case, is trying to set Bo up and isn't really on his side. So once members of the paparazzi end up dead one by one, the police and the detective start chasing after Bo. But all Bo wants is to have a normal life and make the paparazzi go away. This film really makes you feel kind of bad for movie stars and famous people. They cannot go anywhere without a paparazzi lurking in the woods with their cameras. All they want is to have a nice quiet dinner with their family and sometimes they gotta put up with a paparazzi trying to take their picture. This film is a fine example of what the paparazzi are like and I don't think they exaggerated. And the acting was OK. It wasn't Oscar-worthy but it certainly wasn't horrible. This film won't win any awards or make any kind of history but I thought it was a very good movie. It was highly entertaining and should be viewed by anyone who hates the paparazzi! Thanks for reading my review!
razzo12 This film was quite entertaining, i have watched 10 films on sky in the past 4 days and this was one of the better ones, the story wasn't fully true but the paparazzi do hassle celebrities and in this film where the paparazzi harm Bo Laramie's family he wants revenge and does this extremely cleverly, this film was not totally true to life but is beleiveable, the killings/accidents are realistic. The acting in this film is very good and you even get to see Bo doing a scene in a movie that was made up for the film which looked extremely real and very convincing. All in all if you want a family film with some suspense this is a film for you, i really enjoyed it and after watching the first half an hour did not want to turn it off.Entertaining = 7/10, Interesting = 7/10