Forced Vengeance
Forced Vengeance
R | 30 July 1982 (USA)
Forced Vengeance Trailers

A casino security guard is forced into violence from when the Hong Kong mob threatens his friends.

StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Noelle The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
callanvass (Credit to Randall works for the owner of a Hong Kong based casino and is treated like a son. When the owner is approached by someone who's connected and wants to buy his casino, the man refuses the offer. Later the owner and son are killed. Josh then gets the man's daughter and tries to protect her. Later Josh is pursued by the police and anyone who helps is killed. Josh tries to get to the people who did it.I actually like Chuck Norris. He may not be the best actor, but I do find him to be entertaining. That being said, a lot of his earlier movies are horrendous. Sadly, Forced Vengeance falls under that category. It's extremely boring with way too many talky scenes for my liking. It just feels so cheap without much thought put into it. I'll name a few examples. There is a slow motion fight scene with Norris facing a baddie in the opening credits, only with shadows. It happens again around the 50 minute mark (!) I also felt Norris wasn't at his best fighting wise. He gives a standard performance at this juncture, but he usually makes it up for it with his skills. Aside from the David Vs Goliath fight at the end, the fights are relatively tame. This was a really boring movie that doesn't have much to offer. I'm actually shocked by the 5.5 rating! I honestly don't see how it should be rated that highly. If you're a Norris fan, you can do MUCH better.3/10
Maziun I understand that most of Norris movies aren't good . I like some of them . Sometimes you just meet yourself a movie when nothing is good . And I mean NOTHING.Here we have a movie where Chuck Norris has to avenge his boss – the owner of casino . I don't think I'm spoiling anything here. Anyway basically the whole movie is like this : Norris beats a bad guy , then he asks him "Did you order to kill my boss", the answer is no and the bad guy gives our hero a location of other bad guy . Norris goes there , beats him , asks the question and the whole thing repeats . It will take many bad guys and many minutes of boredom before Norris will meet the final boss , kill him and the movie will end.I don't mind a simple revenge movie , if it's done right. This one isn't . It's boring like hell. The only thing interesting are the silhouettes fighting near the neon signs. I give it 1/10.
waldosanmiguel Chuck Norris is not known for his acting chops or his classics. But this one is the best and honest of his pictures. Honest because he knows and the director knows that in order to make an action movie soar is to make it as violent and as simple as this one. Its simple but is told in a very straightforward way. You identify the bad guys, they misbehave, Chuck finds them and kick their asses. The final confrontation between Chuck and the big Chinese guy is done with some realism. Chuck is bloody and angry he is not fighting him in a conventional karate way, he's hitting him with everything he has, he even tries to drown the big fella in a toilet. My favorite by far. Peace.
lotus_chief I saw this movie on TV a LOOONG time ago, and the other day I just kept thinking of this Chuck Norris flick where there was a fight scene where it was nothing but silhouettes in a neon light background on a staircase. After flipping through my uncle's VHS collection, I find this! You gotta love the old Chuck Norris flicks; he was what Steven Segal and Van Damme were in the 90s in the 70s and 80s. We see a 'Godfather-type' theme here, it gives for a decent plot for a bare bones martial arts action movie...and Chuck Norris delivers. It's a shame what he's become, because he was just RAW! An all around enjoyable old school action film. Anyone looking for anything else that what's being presented here is just misguided. *** out of **** stars.