R | 02 February 1990 (USA)
Flashback Trailers

A hippie radical, Huey Walker has been a fugitive for decades, accused of a crime that he may not have committed. Finally apprehended, Walker is escorted to trial by uptight 20-something FBI agent John Buckner. While the two seem to be polar opposites, it turns out that Buckner may have more in common with Walker than is initially apparent, a point that is driven home when the pair faces off against a sinister small-town sheriff.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Maarten Hofman This movie has a number of great actors, and a plot that is quite interesting, with lot of opportunities for development. Unfortunately almost every sequence in the movie has to be interrupted by a camera view of a moving vehicle of some kind, together with loud popular music that distracts from what is going on. The film never manages to convince the viewer of the reality that is facing any of the characters, and just pretends like these things can happen without repercussions. There are a few fun moments, which are enough to get you to the end of the movie, but it is likely you're better of watching something else.
enigma_777_f As mentioned in other comments I have supplied, I am extremely interested in the 60's and 70's and so this movie is one that I had to see. It seems to me that the way in which the movie is structure, it has two worlds clashing with each other (almost like a dharma and greg). There are lessons to be learned in this movie and I was glad to have discovered them and learned from them. Flashback is a great movie with good background music.
kaisermikeb This is one of those all around great films that anyone can enjoy. When I was young I thought it was really funny. Now I get all the deeper messages and plot details, and like the movie all the more for it. This is also one of the two movies that can make me cry. The other is Grave of the Fireflies. The other aspects of the film, besides plot, are great too. The characters play off each other really well. The filming is good, and the comedy doesn't compromise the more serious nature of the film.
maverick-69 this film had all the makings of a pretty boring film. it turned out to be much better than i thought. keifer sutherland plays a straight man, with an intresting past which when revealed. turns the story around. dennis hopper plays his well as usual. and keifer continues to amaze me for playing the "nice" guy. diffrent than his usual killer role he usually plays. overall a good film. worth catching on cable. hopper plays a hippie on the run that's caught and sutherland is the FBI agent in charge to bring him to spokane to serve his jail time. they get as far as oregon, and that's where sutherland's escort goes bad. hopper escapes and sutherland is confused for hopper by a cop wannabe senator. after clearing that up , then comes the chase , capture and....well you should see the rest on your own. it has some great twists. enjoy