Five Across the Eyes
Five Across the Eyes
NR | 01 October 2006 (USA)
Five Across the Eyes Trailers

On their way home from a high school football game, five teenage girls become hopelessly lost. When they stop to get directions at a desolate store, the girls are involved in a minor fender bender which leaves an unattended SUV one headlight short. Inexperienced and frightened that they'll get into trouble, the girls flee the scene of the accident and speed away down the dark and unfamiliar roads. As they blindly make their way across an area the locals call THE EYES, the girls are suddenly shocked to see one lone headlight appear behind them. As the driver of the damaged SUV begins one terrifying assault after another, the five girls will lose their innocence and possibly their lives in this brutal and shocking thrill ride.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Mr_Ectoplasma You know, I've seen a lot of really awful low-budget horror flicks, and the vast majority of the time I want to slap myself for giving them a chance; in fact, I don't even bother with them anymore, and have become an expert and identifying these cheap, uninspired straight-to-DVD movies before I even think about buying/renting them. Having heard a lot about this movie, I was curious— I knew I wasn't in for anything special, but I was intrigued.The paper-thin plot has five teenage girls driving in the backwoods of Tennessee on the way home from a football game. For no apparent reason, they continue to take turns on more backroads in an attempt to make it home quicker, and end up rear-ending a car at a rundown country store. Soon after, they find themselves being stalked by the crazed woman whose car they damaged, who subjects them to a multitude of horrors."Five Across the Eyes" plays out like the blandest of student films— generally poor acting, bad dialogue, corny music, and amateur cinematography— but for whatever reasons, I found the attempt here to be somewhat admirable. The film draws on the brutal grindhouse aesthetic of films like "The Last House on the Left", although the writing here is much poorer. As I said, there really is not story to speak of, and the dialogue is pretty awful. The five young ladies here give performances that you might expect out of an unorganized high school play, and this is expounded by the lack of intelligent writing. Many people have found the characters and their dialogue embarrassingly bad, but I think that that was at least halfway intentional— they aren't the smartest characters. They are stupid high school girls from backwoods Tennessee. The actress who portrayed the crazed villain was surprisingly good, though.The film was shot on mini-DV camcorders, and it shows. The picture is grainy and appears as is if it could have been shot in 1991, but this aspect of the film is somewhat distinguishing in a positive way, giving it an almost home-video snuff film feel to it. The violence in the film is also surprisingly realistic for such a shoestring production, and is actually rather disturbing at moments— the fuzzy camcorder cinematography probably adds to this factor, and if the acting weren't so bad, you could potentially mistake moments of this film as real-life filmed violence. While the film is ultimately a cheap and generally poorly-written piece of work, I appreciated the stylistic attempt at capturing a bunch of hysterical teenage girls in a car on backwoods roads in the middle of the night. There's little tension and perhaps a bit of suspense, but a lot of this is let down by the dialogue and acting. The cinematographic aspects of the film are great for the kind of style they were going for, it's just too bad the writing and acting wasn't realistic enough to support it. 3.5/10.
RicardoCabral One of the most terrible movies I ever seen. I understand that the budget was not great ($4,000 according to IMDb). But a small budget can only explain things like equipment, film... but it can't explain a bad writing or terrible acting.This movie is from top to bottom full of lame excuses to keep the weak story going on. How can a woman attack 5 girls at the same time without problems? In one scene the 5 girls are together and the crazy woman attacks one by one. While one is attacked, the others are lost in the scene or too hysterical to help their friends. The girl being tied to the car seat is a too damn stupid scene. All that she could do was to literally watch the crazy woman tying her. She almost helped the woman.The acting is just terrible. The woman is crazy, OK. The girls are scared, fine. But do they need to scream during 90% of the time? Even when the talk to each other they are screaming. It is too much scream that makes the viewer want to stop watching the movie.I'm surprised how the director managed to finish the movie in 90 minutes with a story that could be told in 30 minutes. And if the writer was good enough, a short good movie could be made. Indeed, I kept watching the movie because I thought that it was a short movie and that soon it would get to the end.Terrible production!
jfgibson73 A lot of people seem to really hate this movie, at least from the comment here on IMDb. It does have some problems--extra shaky camera work, a repetitive story, annoying screaming that never stops. Somehow, I enjoyed it anyway.Five girls are on the way home from a football game when they become lost on a back road. They stop at a country store to ask for directions, and accidentally hit another vehicle as they leave. They argue amongst themselves what to do about it and eventually decide to leave without informing the driver. A few moments later, the same truck they hit is behind them on the road. The girls panic and speed up, getting further off track as they take high-speed turns without knowing where they are. Finally, they hit a dead end. That's when it begins...Spoilers: The driver of the white truck is crazy woman who pulls a gun on them, makes them get out, and terrorizes them. Before she hurts anyone, however, she leaves. It is clear from her dialog that she is out of her mind, shouting at the girls about things that have nothing to do with them. The girls are extremely upset about how they have been treated, and it takes them several moments to get themselves together and get back in the van.However, as they head back down the road, they happen to pass the same woman again, and she begins chasing the girls again. At this point, they viewer might be expecting something different to happen, but it ends up with the woman catching the girls again, and this time hurting them physically. The girls are still to frightened to fight back. This happens a couple more times over the course of the next hour, with the woman doing increasingly terrible things to the girls. It gets to be a bit much after a while--you expect the girls to pass out, bleed to death, or go into shock. Finally, the girls have had so much punishment that they are able to fight back, and they beat the woman down. They stab her repeatedly with a screwdriver, then set her body on fire. At this point, I was thinking that they shouldn't destroy the woman's body by burning it, because they are going to want the police to be able to identify the woman and they need them to believe they acted in self-defense.The girls head back towards home, still lost. They pass the country store and see that the woman killed everyone in there before leaving. We are left to imagine how their lives will be different from now on.The camera stays in close on all of the actresses, which often makes it hard to see what is happening, especially when there is a lot of movement. The camera tends to look like it is rolling around on the ground along with the girls, so I missed a lot of details that I think were meant to be more clear than they were. For some reason, I liked this movie anyways. I can't really defend it. It has lots of weaknesses--the writing, the acting, the visual style. I think maybe I had lower expectations because I was able to see some screen-shots of the movie before watching it, so I had lowered expectations about what I was getting. It is definitely not a slick production. You have to be willing to sit through a movie that looks like it was filmed on someone's home camcorder. After seeing it once, I will give it a six out of ten. I was entertained along the way, and satisfied with the conclusion.
temp-181 I can't believe this is on DVD. Even less it was available at my local video store.Some argue this is a good movie if you take in consideration it had only a 4000$ budget. I find this funny. I would find it very bad whichever the budget.Still more funny, I read the following in another review: "Dramatics aside, if you love horror and you love something along the lines of Duel (1971) updated with a little more story and some pretty girls thrown in, you'll love this movie."What?!? This is a shame comparing those two movies.I give a "1", since I can't give a "0". I just don't see any way this movie could be entertaining.