Ephraim's Rescue
Ephraim's Rescue
PG | 31 May 2013 (USA)
Ephraim's Rescue Trailers

From T.C. Christensen, director of the sensational pioneer film, 17 Miracles, comes the heroic true story of a simple man who was called to do the work of angels. Ephraim’s Rescue relates the story of Ephraim Hanks: a rescuer of the Martin Handcart company. Follow Ephraim as his adventures lead him to join the LDS Church and ultimately to one of the most heroic rescues in American history. With a unique desire to help and strengthen others, Ephraim learns that each choice we make can prepare us for what lies ahead. He discovers, through it all, that decisions determine destiny.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Emily Dunn Ephraim's Rescue is a sweet story about a God-fearing man who learns to overcome himself and serve the Lord through his service to others. The cinematography is compelling and beautiful yet graphic at times when showing the snow-ridden pioneers crossing the plains. The story is intriguing and even though I knew that he would reach the pioneers in need, I remained eager to see how he did it and what occurred when he did. The reason I gave it a 7 and not higher is because of a few things: there were a few points (the snake scene and how it ties in as well as the character Ester--whether she dies or not? I wasn't sure) in the story that left me a little confused and didn't seem cohesive; the comic relief was lacking--what little they did have brought a few chuckles, but could have used a little more variety and sophistication in that regard because the movie is so fraught with emotion and intensity of circumstances; the ending took me by surprise--it came sooner than I expected. I would have liked to see more of the resolution with the pioneers making it to the Utah valley. Despite those few setbacks, the movie left me inspired and uplifted. I kept thinking about the characters of Ephraim Hanks, Thomas Dobson, Alice Dobson, and Elizabeth Bradshaw with their strong character arch and the intensity of their enduring faith. I thoroughly enjoyed these actor's performances and would give them each a 9 out of 10. I highly recommend seeing this movie. I feel the setbacks were possibly due to a limited budget, time, and/or perhaps resources. It is worth looking past those things to experience the history of such an inspiring man as well as the Mormon community that he serves.
Suzballard-709-438126 Excellent, tear jerker movie. Amazingly well acted and well done. Really, really enjoyed this. The only thing that makes it an 8 out of 10 is that the snow was not deep enough and the breath of the actors didn't show when they were in the snow. I've read stories about Ephraim Hanks before but the director did an excellent job putting the stories I'd heard on the big screen. Tears rolled down my face....superbly done. I will be recommending it to all my friends and family and will be buying a copy when it comes out for sale. The lessons we can learn from this movie are so numerous - compassion, kindness, assisting others, trusting in God, having faith to be healed and faith to heal others. Just a lovely movie.
kvhawker-kh We loved the movie! Take your family and later you can talk about faith, sacrifice and service with them. Our ancestors had it hard no matter where they were in those days and this movie will increase your understanding. We talked about many parts of the movie and have thought deeply about the love and sacrifice portrayed by many of the characters in the movie. This is not a preachy movie but it does portray faith in God and working towards goals. The movie makers did a great job presenting so many different aspects of that time. We loved the credits too! It was good to know more about the characters and more about their loves. Support your local theaters that bring these movies for us to see!
blue-7 Director T.C. Christensen said that when he made his pioneer handcart film 17 MIRACLES that he wanted to include the inspiring true story Ephraim K. Hanks but decided that it needed to be told in a film of it's own. EPHRAIM'S RESCUE is that film and indeed it did call for it's own telling. Darin Southam is excellent in the title role of a man willingly prepared to do the errands of the Lord. The catch-line for the film is "Decisions Determine Destiny" and Ephraim's life proves to be a wonderful depiction of how an ordinary man can be magnified to be an instrument for great good in the hands of God. Once again T.C. has created a script based on recorded entries found in pioneer journals and through fine directing, beautiful cinematography and stirring music created a film of great power and beauty. Many years ago President Heber J. Grant foretold of a time when the stories of the pioneers and the birth of the restoration would be told on the screens of the world. T.C. Christensen has certainly played a major part in helping to bring that vision to life. See this in a theatre if possible and look for it on DVD (hopefully in Blu-ray) down the road.