Dragon Fighter
Dragon Fighter
| 04 January 2003 (USA)
Dragon Fighter Trailers

The movie begins in Southern England in the Middle Ages and then six knights are seen riding in horses towards a destroyed town. They see the remains of burned buildings and dead people until they come upon a mother and her dead baby. She quickly dies and then a rhino-sized dragon flies overhead, the knights follow right behind, vowing to kill the creature.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Michael Ledo During the reign of Henry I, southern England had a fire breathing dragon issue which they managed to kill by trapping it in a cave. Now in present day California in a top secret underground facility (filmed in Bulgaria) scientist plan on bringing the species back to life from its DNA. Capt. David Carver (Dean Cain) is the helicopter pilot and in charge of security. He wasn't told what the mission was about, although he figured it out himself. As the person in charge of security he has no weapon, don't know where they are, and has no idea about the plans of the facility and is called, "a guest." He spends most of his time bird dogging Dr. Meredith Winter (Kristine Byers) because all the best dragon stories are love stories.The film seemed like it was made for kids to watch on Saturday morning, except they toss in the F-word as an easy way to get an adult rating, because kids prefer to watch adult rated films more than kid rated films. The acting and script was bad. I watched this film as part of a sci-fi 12 pack.
TheLittleSongbird Judging by what I read and heard, I was expecting it to be bad, really bad. Seeing it for myself, it was bad, but not that bad. It does get off to a good start, the dragon doesn't look too bad(especially in comparison to the effects in similar movies) and Dean Cain gives an earnest and likable performance. Unfortunately he is the only one in the cast who can halfway act, everybody else either overdo it or look as though they were held at gunpoint. The acting wasn't the only bad thing though, they were disadvantaged by characters that were little more than cardboard and undeveloped stereotypes and by their stilted dialogue. There were times even when the script was difficult to understand because of the accents being so heavy. The story was predictable and never exciting due to the flat direction and leaden pacing. If there was anything somewhat entertaining in that regard, it was counting the numerous scientific errors that would either infuriate or greatly amuse scientists. The music is incredibly drab, the orchestration is very generic and sometimes repetitive and the tempos are like listening to a very painful-sounding dirge. Apart from the dragon, there's no better news visually, the rest of the effects are slipshod and the split-screen technique is annoying and at times pointless. All in all, not quite bad enough to be bottom of the barrel, but a very lame movie. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Siloty there are those movies that are bad they are funny, then there are those where you scream "i want that one and a half hours of my life back"...thats pretty much what this is.dean cain tries to be an actor but fails. the sfx are really bad (repeated scenes and rocks that look like falling paper) and the fake plastic guns that have torches taped on them...the split screen effect used to show multiple things happening at once is just terrible.this movie cant even be used as one of those simple night entertainers, its just that badif i could go negative ratings, i would
tenshi127 When you wish for the dragon to eat every cast member, you know you're in for a bad ride.I went in with very, very low expectations, having read some of the other comments, and was not let down. Unlike some other cheap and failed movies, however, this one doesn't really remain hilariously (and unintentionally) funny throughout.-SPOILERS FOLLOW-First of all, plot it very inconsistent. Looking past the "small" mistakes, such as the dragon growing up in 3 hours, the whole idea it's based on is messed up. See, the movie wants us to believe that dragons came from outer space in the form of meteorites which really were dragon eggs. After explaining this, they show some peasant poking at one with his pitchfork and the dragon pops out. Later, the obligatory "crazy scientist" guy babbles on about how dragons outlived the dinosaurs. So apparently humans were around when dinosaurs were, or we just have a fine little plot hole here. The other major thing is that the lab is blown up with a force "half as strong" as what was used for Hiroshima. Then two guys later walk in to check everything out, and it's almost unscathed! There's even another dragon, which grew out of who knows what. All in all it's very predictable. As soon as the guy mentioned cloning, I guessed they'd clone a dragon. That means that our Mr. Smarty-pants security guy isn't so intuitive and smart as the movie would have you believe, if you ignore that I knew this film would be about, you know, dragons.Putting that aside, the second worst thing is the "special effects." Others have mentioned the fake rocks falling during the beginning, the CG helicopter, and the dragon. It looks a bit better than a blob, but it ruined whatever it had going for it when it trudged down the hall in the same manner time after time. To their credit, the flying dragons in the beginning looked OK from far away (although the one in the cave is probably the worst one in the whole movie.) These things are funny to watch, however. The scenes where a million different shots of the same person facing different ways are shown are not. Nor are the "introduction" screens with the vital stats.Coming to the actors, they weren't the greatest, but I guess at least they tried? They seemed more enthusiastic about what they were doing than many of the actors participating in the recent "BloodRayne," for example, and you've got to give them points for that. One thing I noticed though was that the woman who plays Meredith often had her face covered in make-up that was many tones lighter than the rest of her. She looked like she had a bad run-in with some white-face.The script is bad and cheesy. You don't really notice the music, but it's actually not too bad for the most part.The bottom line is don't watch it unless you want to see it because you hear it's bad (like I did), although the only funny things are the bad CG effects. Other than that, don't waste your time and money.