Dragon Storm
Dragon Storm
PG-13 | 24 January 2004 (USA)
Dragon Storm Trailers

A common fire-breathing enemy unites rivals in the Dark Ages.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
mikelang42 Yes it's total crap,but sometimes total crap can be great fun and this film is.I like Dragons in films, but they have to look like the real deal.I think that most of a low budget went on them and they certainly get full marks.There are alas also some very poor effects of people in obvious fire protection gear being set on fire by said dragons. And then there is the king of low budget romps, the wonderful Mr John Rhys- Davies,playing a king with no food or money and he, just as usual, seems to be having fun. This is not a new film,it played on the teatime slot here in UK on the horror channel august 2011 and i have never heard of it before.Top listed is British actor Maxwell Caulfield who was married to Sir John Mills actress daughter Juliet. He was the star of the awful Grease 2 (1982) and never got any decent parts after that.His wig looks a fright. Script is fun, though to modern for a film set in the 12th century. There is also some Kung Fu for the kids, the film looks OK and the Dragons really are first rate. Harmless fun for the undemanding.
electronsexparty For SciFi pictures this movies is surprisingly not bad. Not to say it's good at all, but it was much better than some of their cheese.I was pleasantly surprised with the Dragon CGI. The characters were pretty hilarious (though not intentionally) in their appearance and actions. The huntsman's hair was probably the best part of the movie. For a man that spent his life outdoors, his hair was nicely cut and styled and he had some very feminine bangs (though he did need a bit of conditioner). The acting was pretty bad and the subplots got in the way of good old Dragon Slaying. It's quite obvious who's going to die once all the character's are introduced as well. Who cares, though? This movie is fun and cheesy. Watch it one Friday night while drinking a couple beers and eating pizza.Go check out Chupacabra Terror if you enjoyed Dragon Storm. Chupa is another cheesy Sci-fi pictures original that's even more hilarious than Dragon Storm. It's about the South American goat-sucker on a cruise ship captained by none other than John Rhys-Davies.
conkeestador I rated it a 2 because the dragons were really not that bad. It would have been less than a 1 without CGI. I look forward to seeing some of that same dragon footage in some other low budget flick.However, what this movie needed (besides some semblance of continuity, a script, and professional editing and direction) was some gratuitous sex and nudity. OK fine, you got to see half of one of the Princess' breasts in one scene but if you really want to be successful in the `dragons-from-outer-space-in-1190-Carpathia' genre you have to have eye candy. I know it had plenty of violence and it was `made for TV' but it's just kind of sad when you can see men being burned alive (the same men over and over in slow motion in this case) but no naked women. This movie could have easily been a 5 or 6 with some full frontal nudity and maybe even a 7 with some hot girl-on-girl action. At least it would have made the story a little more interesting if the Princess' love interest had been the girl with the catapult instead of the rather limp-wristed `huntsman' (did you see the way he held the bow?). What a waste of the budget to hire women like that and then cover them in those hideous costumes.Also, I'm really trying to not be too critical but I would think with a little editing and sound work they could have gotten some of the actor's accents to match (with the exception of the obligatory Kung Fu Master of course). Overall, I can't recommend this movie (it has to be at least a 3 before I will do that) but I did have a good time watching it. If you do decide to subject yourself to this movie I would recommend a sedative (like tequila) to dull the pain.
heroquestelf This movie was bad. Just plain bad. Sci Fi has put out some bad stuff before (See Epoch--or rather don't) but this one is terrible. John Rhys-Davies was poorly cast as the villian (I suppose Sci Fi thought they could capitalize on his success from LOTR) and the movie has more action than plot (although that's not saying much).That being said, the good points: Tony Amendola. Known to most as "Bra'tac" from "Stargate: SG1", Tony does (arguably) the best acting job of any of the bunch. The CGI dragons are pretty cool, although the concept their creation is a bit of a stretch. The big selling point to me had to be Angel Boris as the princess. Yum.Aside from that, it's pretty much a sleeper.