Don't Tempt Me
Don't Tempt Me
| 30 November 2001 (USA)
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Two angels, one from the heaven and one from the hell, come to earth to save the soul of a boxer.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Chrysanthepop Agustín Díaz Yanes's mesmerizing, quirky and funny 'Sin Noticias de Dios' is a refreshing take on heave and hell on earth. With an original and amusing premise and strong writing, it is a fun ride all the way. I haven't seen anything like it. The humour is a good mix of quirkiness, dryness and sarcasm that works on multiple levels. It's funny how a black and white 50's French setting is chosen to depict heaven while a dirty (perhaps South American prison) setting is chosen to portray hell. Similarly language selection is interesting as French is spoken in heaven, English is spoken in hell and Spanish on Earth.Heaven is shown as a very romantic, classy and glamorous place to be at (a bit like the romanticized image one sees in classic French films) while hell is quite the opposite. Fanny Ardant and Gemma Jones play the leaders of the respective places (and they're both terrific). Their character recruit Carmen and Lola to conquer fallen boxer Manny's soul. Of course battle ensues when the two recruits come face to face but not the way you think.Yanes assembles a n enviable cast that includes Penelope Cruz, Victoroia Abril, Gemma Jones, Gael Garcia Bernal, Elena Anaya, Elsa Pataky, Fanny Ardant, Demián Bichir, Cristina Marcos, Peter McDonald, Luis Tosar and more. All the actors do a great job. Abril sure is stunning and she sure can sing. Her rendition of 'I Want To Be Evil' is a must-see. Penelope Cruz has a tricky role and she does full justice to it. She is sexy, spunky, streetsmart and not to be messed with but at the same time she's just 'like one of the guys'. Saying more would be revealing too much.On the technical side, it's a very well made film. Colour is used very effectively. The cinematography is first rate. I especially enjoyed the long single shots. And of course, the soundtrack is magic.'Sin Noticias de Dios' is one of a kind. I'm surprised it's received so little recognition but it's a thrill ride all the way.
nycritic In Agustin Yanes' SIN NOTICIAS DE DIOS (badly translated into English as DON'T TEMPT ME, which in reality should have been NO NEWS FROM GOD), Heaven is a luxurious black-and-white nightclub perpetually set in the Fifties, administered by Marina D'Angelo (Fanny Ardant) and entertained by Lola (Victoria Abril). Hell is a soup kitchen where people speak English, where its administrator (Gael Garcia Bernal) looks like a kingpin right out of "Miami Vice" and where Carmen (Penelope Cruz), a lipstick lesbian works as a waitress, much to her disgust (since she later reveals she was a drug lord on Earth and weeps when seeing GOODFELLAS). Both angels have been summoned by their bosses to claim the soul of one stupid boxer (Demian Bichir). Here is when the story turns into PULP FICTION, but with none of its originality. True, some of the funnier scenes involve business transactions between diplomatic representatives of Heaven and Hell and some rich dialog between Ardant and Bernal, as opposites who appear to have quite a bit in common (more than they would dare reveal but only hint at through JD Salinger's book "The Catcher in the Rye"). Other than that, I didn't quite get the whole mess that the convoluted story is and a subplot where two cops (Cristina Marcos and Luis Tosar) are also after Bichir's tail leads nowhere. It's a shame, because there is a scene where the very masculine character Cruz plays (a man trapped in a sexpot's body) threatens Marcos with doing something rather nasty to her with a fork, but that never happens. As a matter of fact, Cruz's character is really the only interesting one of the lot (Abril's Lola is thankless, suffering in elegant silence until she decides to shoot 'em up) because of the ambiguity she represents. She would have the been the real reason to concoct a story out of as a person sent back to Earth as Hell for some serious expiation in the wrong gender. SWITCH, but with a dark twist. Needless to say, that didn't make the cut and all that remains is this half-baked attempt at a post-modern mediation of what it is to be good and evil and the grey area in between.
Claudio Carvalho When the leaders of Heaven and Hell, Marina D'Angelo (Fanny Ardant) and Davenport (Gael García Bernal) respectively, decide to fight for the soul of the decadent boxer Manny (Demián Bichir), they send their best agents to Earth. The singer Lola Nevado (Victoria Abril) from Heaven and the former gangster Carmen Ramos (Penélope Cruz) from Hell are assigned to get his soul, and they have a tough dispute to accomplish their mission."Sin Noticias de Dios" is one of most original comedies I have ever seen. The story is very funny, ironical and charming, with splendid lines and dialogs in the screenplay. The direction is very precise; the wonderful cast, with a very charming and sexy Penélope Cruz; a stunning (as usual) Victoria Abril singing in a perfect Portuguese; an elegant and classy Fanny Ardant; and a very funny Gael García Bernal, has also the participation of Demián Bichir (from "Sexo Pudor Y Lágrimas", "Santitos" and "In the Time of the Butterflies"), Elsa Pataky (from "Beyond Re-Animator" and "Romasanta") and an uncredited last scene with Javier Bardem. The vision of Heaven as Paris, Hell as an American prison (could be a South-American one – certainly they are worse) and the Hell's administrator as an American president in his car with his body-guards are absolutely hilarious. Victoria Abril singing "I'm Evil" and Penélope Cruz dancing an extremely sexy dance are delightful. I highly recommend this movie, which has two (2) wins and seventeen (17) nominations of festivals, for those viewers that like a refreshing and very different comedy. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Sem Notícias de Deus" ("Without News From God")
Hermit C-2 Many observers have noted that at first glance on paper one might think this is a Pedro Almodovar film, what with Victoria Abril cast in it, among other things. Well, I haven't seen too much of Almodovar's work, and I knew nothing about director Augustin Diaz Yanes when I entered the theatre to see this film. But I wonder, did Almodovar show such promise so early in his career? From the first few minutes I was captivated by the movie and I stayed enthralled throughout. By the time Penelope Cruz was dancing around to "Kung Fu Fighting" I knew this was a rare film indeed (and no, it's no rip-off of 'Pulp Fiction,' either!)For all it's audaciousness, the premise has been used many times before. Like 'Paradise Lost,' the battlefield is Heaven, Hell and Earth. But the specifics are a little more prosaic: angels from Heaven and Hell fight for their survival over the soul of a rather ordinary mortal, a not-to-bright or personable boxer. Heaven and Hell are presented as distinctly mortal-like places--Heaven is nice, but hardly the celestial paradise we envision, and Hell is unpleasant, but nothing nearly as bad as Dante imagined. The two places are run like competing businesses, it would seem, and the CEO God (and presumably Satan in his own realm) is AWOL--apparently he's too tired or disinterested to bother with the details of running the place, leaving that task up to lesser creatures. Right now Hell seems to have the upper hand. Heaven is somehow almost bankrupt and may well go under if they can't snag this one earthbound soul, the aforementioned boxer, who fate has cast in some great future role that we never fully understand. But there's trouble brewing in Hell, too, and even though they've got the advantage over Heaven at the moment, there are internecine power struggles to worry about there. So each each side dispatches an agent to try to win over Manny, this boxer who unwittingly holds the fate of this world and those beyond in his hands.That's where Abril and Cruz come in, and they are just a joy to watch for the almost two hours this flick runs. Abril is Lola the heavenly angel who ingratiates herself in Manny's life as his wife, and Cruz is Carmen, who poses as his long-lost cousin (Manny isn't the brightest crayon in the box so he can be convinced that all of a sudden he has a five-year marriage he doesn't remember.) Lola and Carmen thrust and parry throughout the film, but on a surprisingly cordial level--Carmen isn't as bad as one would expect a denizen of Hell to be and neither woman seems possessed of any otherworldly powers; they go about their business in a very earthly way. You combine a great script, two outstanding performances and excellent direction and not surprisingly you get a first-rate film, as good as any I've seen this year. This is not quite Orson Welles and 'Citizen Kane' here, but it put me in mind of it, it's that good.