Dollman vs. Demonic Toys
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys
R | 13 August 1993 (USA)
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys Trailers

The Demonic Toys are back, so policewoman Judith Grey seeks the help of 12 inch tall Dollman and his 12 inch tall girlfriend, Nurse Ginger. The Toys hole up in an evil deserted toy factory and it's up to Dollman to keep the Toys from summoning the powers of darkness to the Earth.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Frank Markland Brick Bardo (Tim Thomerson)teams up with Judith Grey (Tracy Scoggins, from Demonic Toys) to destroy the demonic toys who are trying to bring Satan back to life (Or such nonsense) also on-board is Ginger (Refered to as Dollchick played by Melissa Behr reprising her role from Bad Channels) now Brick Bardo must save his girl and destroy the toys and must not fail. Dollman Vs Demonic Toys is a guilty pleasure for many reasons, the idea is so preposterous and surreal that you end up watching in shock. Also the movie is so unbelievably short that it's impossible to be really too bored and as always Tim Thomerson is fun to watch, that being said there is too much stock footage from Dollman, Demonic Toys and Bad Channels but you never get too bored since there is always something silly going on. Also there just is something surreal about watching Tim Thomerson fight a giant baby doll while rescuing his beloved "dollchick".* * out of 4-(Fair)
detruncation This movie rules. Satanic rituals, midgets, Tim THomerson, That hot chick, monsters that look really stupid and some AMAZING acting-what else do you need? Not much more that I can think of! Also a sequel to 3 other equally great movies by CHarles Band. GO get them.they are bad channels, dollman, and demonic toys. I can't say enough good things about this film. You really have to see for yourself this spectacle. I just hope that Charles Band never retires and I can look forward to more of this stuff for years. I know you all will post about how horrible this film is but I can't see what your talking about. I know it isn't a "great quaility horror film" but who cares? I have found that these films are for cheap thrills only so why bother to make it something more?
krkptr1 A couple of laughs, mainly due to the evil baby doll and his vulgar one-liners and even Dollman himself (Thomerson) gets in on the laughs. It's Halloween night and the Dolls are trying to use the 1 ft. tall Ginger as a host for Satan to be reborn through. It's up to Brick Bardo, aka Dollman, to save her and kill the Demonic Toys.A horrible mess of a script, crappy acting (excluding the always great Thomerson) and garbage miniature effects.And at just over an hour in length where the best scene has an evil foul-mouthed Baby Doll tries to have sex with the foot tall Ginger while he makes Dollman watch, it just really makes you wonder what the point to this whole mess of nonsesne even was.
newsilver21 This movie has to be the worst sequel ever made! I was so mad when the movie ended I almost broke the tape over a table. But I didn't want to pay over twenty bucks for a piece of trash like this. This movie had no class, no talent, and no teddy bear! They took the teddy bear out! Ok they kept the jack in the box, ok cool by me, he's my favorite but the teddy bear was took out. They replaced him with a G-I-Joe doll look alike. And too make this movie even worse it was a sequel to three movies. "Demonic Toys", "Bad Channels", and "Dollman". Ok it was cool how they combined them all together but come on. Viewers beware! This movie is no good. I give it a 0 out of ten.