I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Sazzad Hossain Shanto
Love, sacrifice, friendship, cooperation, separation, bravery all are included in a single movie Dipu Number 2. Is a movie about typical Bangladeshi teenage boy name Dipu who lives with his father who is a government officer. Dipu's mother died when he was a child. In Bangladesh government officers have to live a nomadic life with family due to job transfers from districts to districts. That is why Dipu has no long term friendship.Due to Recent transfer of Dipu's father he gets admitted to a new school where he has hard time making new friends initially. By the time goes Dipu make some friends and an enemy too name Tareq. One day Dipu is beaten by Tareq but then refuse to tell Tareq's name when he was asked by the teacher the name of the person by whom he was beaten. This made Tareq ashamed of his work so he apologize to Dipu and become good friend. One day Dipu accidentally see that Tareq has a mother who is mentally sick. Tareq was poor so that he could not afford to give her mother a proper medication.Dipu and Tareq discover a hideout which is used to smuggling priceless old relic. With help of some other friends they capture those smugglers. They get a large amount of money as a reward of their brave work. But instead of using these money they all agreed to spent it in Tareq's mother medication.One day Dipu got a letter from his father which is from her mother who was dead to him until then. Actually his parents got divorced when Dipu was a child. As his mother wanted to see his son Dipu went to see her. As He gets a lot of mother's affection, love he decides to live with her mother.This is a very common scenario of a Bangladeshi teenage life which is portrayed in the movie Dipu number 2 directed by Morshedul Islam. This movie is so lively that one can feel his teenage while watching this movie.
Mohammad Tawsif
This is one of few Bangla movie that make an impact in my heart. Taken from a popular Bangla children novel Dipu number 2 is an amazing job done by the filmmaker. The story of Dipu make the audience think about their life and also about their teenage children. The story, acting of the character, the scenario was just amazing. The filmmaker did a great job of selecting the actor. Te character of Dipu was really enjoyable. The bully school friend was also done an amazing job. Yes, the story targeting the teenage audience but i can tell you that anyone can watch it and be satisfied. I watch it three times and every time feel the same feeling. Jafar Iqbal is a truly remarkable writer for teenager and director Morshedul Islam is another top guy for children movie. A must watch film for everyone.