Desert Blue
Desert Blue
R | 04 June 1999 (USA)
Desert Blue Trailers

An academic obsessed with "roadside attractions" and his tv-star daughter finally discover the world's largest ice cream cone, the centerpiece for an old gold-rush town struggling to stay on the map. They end up staying longer than expected because of an accident that spilled an unknown cola ingredient all over the highway. They spend the next few days with the various residents of the town which include a teenage girl who loves to blow things up and a boy trying to keep alive his fathers dream of building a beachside resort in the middle of the desert.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Squrpleboy If you ever happen upon Baxter, California (Pop. 87, and home tothe world's largest ice cream cone) you might wanna just keep ontruckin' clear on through to the next town; there's NOTHINGhappening here.Populated with a very small cast of marginally eccentriccharacters, mostly listless teens, Desert Blue tells the story of agroup of bored (and boring) townsfolk inhabiting what remains ofan old miners settlement. One day a Cultural Studies professor(John Heard) and his snotty young actress daughter (KateHudson) stop by to get a look at the world's largest ice cream conemonument! Suddenly, a tanker truck carrying the secret ingredientused to make local soda-magnate Empire Cola's special brewoverturns and spews out toxic chemicals, which of course meansthe FBI is called in to quarantine the town! Now all the teens haveleft to do is sit around drinking and making out! Which means ofcourse that Hudson's character, Skye, will fall for the sensitive (ie.,dumb) local boy, Blue, who is so desperately trying to fulfill hisdead father's dream of opening a water-park in the middle of thedesert (?), and in turn she become a much more sensitive womanin the process! Awwww. Oh, and Christina Ricci likes to blow stuffup...........real good!The film reeks of having little to say, or show, but nonetheless s-t- r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out what it does provide as long as it can. None ofthe characters is expanded on enough to be truly engaging oranything beyond mere caricature. Not that the acting is bad (withthe exception of Ricci, who is just horrible), but Hudson comes offas the closest to being realistic, with the others merely beingample. The film itself doesn't look too bad visually, although itbecomes very noticeable that most action takes place outside ofthe town, or inside locations, so that no people outside of the castappear anywhere. The best part of the film is the eclecticsoundtrack, featuring some nice old Country & Western tracksspliced in amongst the newer lo-fi stuff. Over-all, I've written farmore than this film deserves words wasted on it.5/10. Yawn. Sunday afternoon fodder at best or a cure forinsomnia at least.
netreturn I found this movie to be okay. The story line was pretty good. The acting was fairly good. It may prove to be a training film for some promising young actors. Being from the east coast, it gave an interesting depiction of what it's like to live in a small, desert town.
Boyo-2 It took awhile to get going, but I ended up loving "Desert Blue" quite a bit. It was nice to see Sexton play a character without the need for anger-management, and I also liked Kate Hudson also. It wasn't the greatest, funniest or most touching movie I ever saw, but it was certainly better than most. I liked practically every character on some level, and I can't say that about a lot of movies. It made me think of "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" & "Bagdad Cafe" with a touch of "Firestarter".
wge2 This is a nice, sweet film. It will, however, be quickly forgotten since there is nothing terribly new here. The acting is very strong. All in all, it's worth watching.