R | 02 February 1974 (USA)
Deranged Trailers

A man living in rural Wisconsin takes care of his bed-ridden mother, who is very domineering and teaches him that all women are evil. After she dies he misses her, so a year later he digs her up and takes her home. He learns about taxidermy and begins robbing graves to get materials to patch her up, and inevitably begins looking for fresher sources of materials. Based closely on the true story of Ed Gein.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Predrag This amateurish, utterly disturbing motion picture is likely the closest portrayal of the true account of infamous Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein put on film, at least until the Steve Railsback- starring movie made in 2000. No one could ever suspect or believe, in even their most horrific nightmares, what ghastly acts and atrocities the plain-looking Gein had perpetrated. The events and ramifications of his ghoulish activities continue to shock & sicken American more than 60 years later. The film is interesting and quite unsensational in many ways, but typical explicit shock & exploitation fare in so many others. Roberts Blossom is amazing in the lead role as Cobb. He is the kind of guy you see around town and probably know one or two fellas like him. You could never think such a shy, simple man could ever be capable of anything untoward, could you? That was the key to his "success" as a killer. Who'da thunk it of a fellow like Gein/Cobb. Blossom is an interesting-looking actor with a memorable face. Whether his mannerisms were specifically created for the role of Cobb or if they're simply a part of who Blossoms is, we may never know. Either way they add layers to what could otherwise be a one-note performance in the vein of "Leatherface" from Texas Chainsaw Massacre: memorable only for what he does. Cobb on the other hand was a character well before he went south. One you might actually find yourself liking! The rest of the film is ups & downs. The other actors, especially the woman, are amateurish and it hurts the film overall, particularly the over-the- top fat chick who foolishly tries to get into Cobb's pants. The neighbors who take pity on Ezra and are the closest things he has to friends are both pretty good. The production design is admirable. The dilapidated house Cobb and his mother occupy feels very earthy and real, not like a set. The gore effects are minimal but stomach- churning in their effectiveness. A young Tom Savini is credited with them, so that makes sense. For me the real misfire of the film is the annoying inclusion of a "news reporter" / narrator character. He's on-screen a few times and a voice-over in others. It would have been better to just tell the story straightforward without this guy, or else go the full documentary style approach but "Deranged" tries to straddle both sides of the fence and it really works particularly well.Overall rating: 9 out of 10.
RevRonster Just recently I watched this one for the first time and while I didn't find the film to be that scary, I did see it as an intriguing adaptation of the serial killer that inspired the creation of some of the best work in horror.The film is light on gore (and the little we get is that bright red "paint" looking blood that was notorious in the 70s) and the film relies on psychological terror rather than jump scares, so the younger generations might not enjoy this film but I found it pretty disturbing. Sure, some of the acting is bad but Roberts Blossom in the lead role isn't and is providing a very spine-chilling performance. Overall, the film is interesting and intriguing, even though it is not as memorable as the films that were inspired by the serial killer this film is adapting.
Lechuguilla A low-intelligence rural man named Ezra Cobb (Roberts Blossom) becomes attached, almost literally, to his dying mother. When she dies, Ezra's attachment turns psychotic. The story is based very loosely on the real-life story of Ed Gein, Wisconsin killer of the 1950s. But "Deranged" focuses too much on the ghoulish and morbid, and gives us minimal contrast to the normalcy of Ezra's outside world. As such, the film comes across as cloistered, as well as depressing and dreary.And the plot is oh so slow. Most frames last several seconds and longer. I kept wanting to tell the director: "okay, we get the point, let's move along". You get the feeling the director is padding the plot by stretching out each scene and each sequence. The entire plot could be encapsulated into a 30-minute short film.There's little to no suspense. We see every ghoulish action that Ezra takes. Nothing is left to the imagination. His actions trend repetitive, the only difference being a new victim. The narrator, who tells us Ezra's back-story, helps not at all. His presence is unnecessary, intrusive, and annoying.The photography is fine. Colors are appropriately muted and subdued. So too is the background music, which consists of a simple piano rendition of the old gospel song "The Old Rugged Cross". That song, played in many scenes, in combo with a rural American setting, reinforces a cloistered, depressing tone, reminiscent of a bygone era.Hitchcock's "Psycho" did a far better job of telling a similar story. Despite being low-budget, "Deranged", a character study of a man's descent into madness, would have been better with a higher quality script and a different director. I get the point of the film. But for me it was simply boring.
trashgang This flick came out the same year as Texas Chainsaw Massacre but as TCM became an instant hit this became a creeper that slowly turned into a classic because so far up to this writing, this is the closest story to the real life events of serial killer Ed Gein. There were a lot of flicks about insane Ed, Psycho (1960) maybe also coming close but Deranged even as it isn't that gory after all tells us the story in details. But it's also Robert Blossom (Ezra Cobb) who gave a convincing performance that made this flick watchable. Also this was Tom Savini's second flick were he did special effects. And it shows because it took years before this flick came out full uncut. By this writing it's finally out on Blu Ray worldwide in a stunning version with lots of extra's and also full uncut which means that the brain-scooping scene is here to watch.It doesn't stand up to today's standards which Texas Chainsaw Massacre still does but it do has a few 'deranged' scene's. The blood is so typical of that era, thick red stuff running and it even runs from a nude girl hanging upside down. One of the notorious scene's and even killings of Ed Gein. Pat Orr played the full nude part and was never seen again in another flick. And I must say that she gave an excellent performance as Sally. This flick is only watchable for freaks out there who like stories about serial killers and also for those who liked the old school horrors made just before the gore came in in the slasher era. I can't say that it's slow but the horror lays in the story itself. Worth picking up.Gore 1/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 4/5 Comedy 0/5