The Forgotten Ones
The Forgotten Ones
R | 08 November 2008 (USA)
The Forgotten Ones Trailers

When a devastating boat crash shipwrecks a group of friends in the jungles of an uncharted island, they are savagely picked off one-by-one by a cannibalistic enemy that evolution forgot.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
GL84 After being stranded on a strange island, a group of shipwrecked friends finds the area home to a tribe of savage human-like beings and forces them into an extreme mode of survival to get off the island alive.Overall this one was quite an entertaining effort without too much really wrong here. The biggest plus with this one is the fact that there's a rather engrossing mystery that develops here early on about what exactly's on the island with them and how to defend themselves, which is quite enjoyable for how it goes about this. The concept of being on an uncharted island is good enough to start this off with, but then comes the idea of putting the creatures on there which makes for quite an enjoyable time building up to them by the early ways this goes about it. From the off-screen grunting and growling to the scenes of them stealing their shipwrecked items and stalking them along the way to the first major encounter of them capturing several members of the group in ingenious rope-traps that scores quite well as an action sequence yet never once gives away the creatures and their design which is quite impressive. That's reserved for the first main confrontation in the caves where the remaining members of the expedition are kept to be tortured and killed within the darkened caves which is quite a feat to be done so late in the film but also with the rather chilling sequence it's done with as well making for a great time here as it rolls through the final half with a lot of impressive and enjoyable moments. The battle in the underground tunnels, the chase through the jungle leading to the revelation in the clearing and the final encounter at the enclosed circle of bamboo trees all combine into a great series of scenes that shows off the creatures quite well, gets plenty of action and suspense into this and even throws in some decent amount of gore to really work quite nicely. These do manage to hold off the few small flaws here, namely the fact that the film's not that interesting when focusing on the human cast as they're stories aren't that engaging. The purpose of inviting the ex and her new romantic interest seems only to generate tension within the group as there's little point in inviting them along on a trip like this in the first place, even inviting along the friend who's romantically unattached and going to be around his most recent ex-girlfriend makes his involvement even more questionable, and there's little about their interactions early on that comes off all that enjoyable. The other small flaw is the rather lackadaisical manner this treats the group who are knowingly stuck on the island and rarely react with any sense of urgency or intensity to get off considering the situation present and something obviously there with them. Otherwise, this one was pretty enjoyable.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
FlashCallahan Soothe film consists of our quite attractive people and one fat man, who get on a boat for a trip, and crash on a desert island.But things go from bad to worse. We have a proposal, and the the island is infested with Bob Marley wannabes who have fun in trees, and have a taste for human flesh.The film starts with a pointless flashback featuring a girl wearing too much make up that hadn't been invented yet, who gets gobbled up, but leaves a machete in an appropriate place for later.Then we are treated to a group of annoying people who you just know are going to end up as chowder later on. I couldn't care less for these people, they spent the majority of the film, hating each other, or distrusting each other, so it was good when they started getting picked off.There's no real surprises, the first girl we meet ends up living, and they picked off in order of annoyance. The machete is found at the end and the lead girl, chops off the head of the alpha male.What happens next is bizarre, the rest of the Marley crew, walk forward, know their master is dead and back off. The ending is surprising, because I was expecting some cheap jump scare at the end, but no, she sits there in a mood for a while and rows off on a raft.It's a bad movie, with an okay looking monster.Really not worth watching.
Keith Jamison I picked this up in the bargain section of my local supermarket.The first few scenes, set in 1922, set up a nice teaser for the remainder of the main feature.That is where it lost any sense of suspense.The dialogue was corny. The characters were too flat.I must admit, the only reason I decided to buy it was for Jewel Staite - she was the only name I recognised - She was great as Kaylee in Firefly and as Jennifer Keller in Stargate Atlantis.Apparently someone called 'Kellan Lutz' is well known so this may well appeal to his fan-base.The monsters were never fully explored or developed. I guess that maybe some of the screenplay ending up on the cutting room floor.The cinematography was fair to middling but the dark scenes didn't have enough contrast at times.The biggest disappointment for me was the 'crazy credits' at the end where the makers thanked everybody including Mel Gibson, Sly Stallone and then engaged in listing the proponents of the world's major religions, totally unwarranted.I would have given this one star but for the fact that Jewel Staite was in it and managed to be the most believable character of all.It's an hour and 25 minutes I won't get back but maybe this will save you from the same sense of anticlimax.This title was released in the UK as "After Dusk They Come".
edward sanguinetti It is hard to fill ten lines of comment for this movie. What has to be said? Well, the monsters are monstrous, the girl pretty (in some common way), the island mysterious. All of them do their job. Cinematography is not that bad, you just get the sense of people lost in a wild forest. Of course the writer had to fill some space with irrelevant anthropology about characters that are not even mean enough to deserve such misfortune or so nice to make you cry. As a matter of facts monsters look more interesting and complex. I would have liked that some destiny, or original sin had pushed the humans to that place. It would have meant some stars more.