Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell
Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell
R | 01 January 1988 (USA)
Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell Trailers

The third thrilling saga of Deathstalker pits him against the evil wizard and ruler of the Southland, Troxartes, and his band of undead warriors. Dashing Deathstalker is entrusted by the beautiful Princess Carissa to protect an enchanted Jewel one of three which together hold the key to the lost city of treasure, Erendor. The missing pair of gems are stashed all too safely in the heavily guarded castle of the wicked Troxartes. His mission clear, Deathstalker rouses his troops and storms the fortress with the power of lightning. And in this fateful battle, one man will survive to witness the magical secrets of Erendor.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
billshattner Sure, go ahead; make fun of this movie. Rip it for the occasionally questionable editing, the typically (as far as second rate fantasy movies go) overly-ambitious plot, or the eyebrow raising subtext. Do all of that, and you're still left with a gem, if unpolished, of a sword and sorcery film. For starters, this movie exhibits an enthusiasm, more so than others of its kind, and forgiving a couple marginal performances, the actors and actresses fall right in line with this theme. Is it a classic, up there with Conan the Barbarian, or the Lord of the Rings Trilogy? Of course not. But if you enjoy action, strong female characters, and fantastic stories, then by all means, take the time to watch this little-known pearl, whether it be the original, or the MST version.This is good stuff!! Long live Deathstalker!!
sbm2006 I rented this movie because I caught it's predecessor on cable. Hercules and Xena fans would love Deathstalker 2, which somehow, despite it's second-rate acting from everyone but its star, was so bad it was good. I was expecting to see more of the same but sorry..this one is just plain bad. The acting is bad, the story is bad, the swordplay is bad, and the whole movie looks as if it were shot with a plastic bag over the lens of the camera. Part of the previous movie's appeal was the way it was constantly poking fun at itself. There's none of that here. And I've had shoes more charismatic than the star of this flick, who hasn't learned that taking B-movie dialogue seriously just doesn't work. Do yourself a favor and give it a pass.
Diana I've never seen the first two films in this series, and I can't say that i'm sorry about that. This egregiously bad 80's sword swinger ranks up there with the Ator the Fighting Eagle series as the worst of all time.The main character is a smug, sleazy idiot with a bad 80's hair-do and an accent that fluctuates more than the stock market did on Black Tuesday. No woman in her right mind would touch him, which explains why his love interest in the film is four barrels short of a load. His enemy is a guy who wears more furs and turbans than Liza, and gasps out his lines like he's trying to act during an asthma attack. Rounding out this cast is a really annoying princess, a stupid wizard who's the lost member of ZZ Top, and a sorceress with a grating voice who tries to roast our hero's nuts(my favorite part of the film, by the way).The movie starts out in a village(Renn Fest) where Deathstalker is being his usual smug, oily self. He impresses the local yokels by fighting a guy while standing on a log, then goes to a fortune teller/wizard to get his fortune told. I pretty much know what the guy would have told him, that his film career was over and he should take that job at the car dealership, but he never got that far because the bushy bearded wiz was in conference with a princess carrying a giant faux crystal door handle. The wizard was toting one of these hideous kitsch baubles around as well, and apparently when you put them together it is a key that unlocks a fabulous city full of wealth(yeah, right). Some men wearing metal bats on their heads attack, and the wizard disappears by spinning rapidly. He leaves his shoes behind, making you wonder(most horribly), why he didn't leave his clothes behind as well. The princess takes off with our hero, and promptly gets killed before she can slap him to head off his sleazy sexual advances. She gives him the Airwick air freshener, so that he can go find the other one himself. It would cut his body odor wonderfully.Cut to a later time,where the bad guy Truxartis? is doing his best Broadway musical singer imitation while going on about how he means to find the other stone and use its magical power for his own thing. He brings some guys back from the dead, using the powers of deepest, blackest Hell, so that they could lounge around his castle pretty much doing nothing. There was a waste of magic. Deathstalker, meanwhile, has met the dead princess's twin? sister, who is on her way to marry ol feather and furs Truxartis. He also meets his love interest, a fairly slow and rather strange girl with amazingly big hair and a problem with bathing. Her and he get along well together, not a big surprise.The movie devolves into a quagmire at this point, with plot points trailing off into nothing one after the other. The dead guys catch up with Deathstalker, but instead of killing him as they should, they pretty much do what they've done throughout the movie-which is nothing. The princess arrives at the castle, dresses in a silly looking faux harem costume, and spends the rest of the movie whining. The sorceress tortures idiot boy, the only detraction from the pleasure of this scene being the fact that he's wearing only the tightest of tights while she does this. Arrgh! The scrubby bearded wizard shows up again, nobody knows why, is captured and tortured by the femme fatale Truxartis, and is rescued by Deathstalker in a really lame fighting scene. Deathstalker frees the souls of the dead guys by giving them a mason jar, which was no loss to anyone since they were neither scary nor effective, and terminally lazy to boot. Truxartis comes to his stupid end, the princess and the wizard move into the fabulous city(didn't look that fabulous to me, but since the whole budget for the entire movie seems to have been about five dollars and some bags of peanuts, that's not really surprising), and Deathstalker rides off into the sunset, where we hope he gets a severe sunburn.
InzyWimzy Ugh...this movie's ridden with badness that it's good.I have seen Miles O'Keefe in Cave Dwellers and it always gets laughs seeing Ator prance around with his cape. Deathstalker slaps Cave Dwellers around like Ike Turner. There's a quest, I think, and stars a guy who auditioned for "The Greatest American Hero" and got rejected miserably. Not as much death as I'd hoped, but he does stalk several women in the film who's acting makes plankton eligible for academy award nomination. I swear I felt bile churning...not in a good way, but that was the whole Renaissance Festival fiasco gone horribly dull. Mike & the bots had to watch this a shows in the skits. Oh, don't forget sexually repressed wife who finds solace in sadistic torture with vials of melting....thing. I think there's a spaceship, and vicious canids and....oh, wait.However, I really did detest Cave Dwellers after first viewing. MaybeDeathstalker will grow on me....then I will get it cauterized.