Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
PG-13 | 13 May 2014 (USA)
Sleeping Beauty Trailers

When a young Prince and his trusted aid learn of a beautiful Princess's cursed eternal slumber, they embark on a journey to rescue her. They must battle an evil queen and legions of undead monsters before she will be free.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Michael Ledo I think my title says it all. No sense giving too much away. Asylum manages to capitalize on the zombie craze from Abraham Lincoln to Sleeping Beauty. After all, its all about the green. No sense wasting money on James Earl Jones, for an announcer when Michael York needs the work. Having Casper Van Dien and his family direct and star in the film was some more Asylum genius as no one has mastered the faux-Elizabeathan accent like them. Sleeping Beauty was named "Dawn." Again, how clever is that, especially when Casper Van Dien is made up to look like Tony Orlando.Then there is the almost Monty-Pythonesque language:Prince: "What is that?" Aide "The undead my liege." Prince "Run!"Asylum has really outdone themselves with this mockbuster.
Ummi MxM So So Bad. Waste of money and time. Acting is so bad it makes you cringe. So many plots and plans that just do not make sense. It's comical but in a very bad way. How can EVERY Actor in this movie get it so very wrong? Who wrote the Lines, 6 year old? Most probably the worst movie I have ever seen and believe me after going back to watch the old Batman & Robin Drama with the 'BOOMS' & 'CLASH' that is saying something! Ridiculous from start to finish. Maybe for 4/5 year olds but certainly not for anyone older, let alone teenagers or adults. The movie industry must have a lot of money to waste to bring out this trash. So much potential just wasted.
Susan Quinland The Script: Horrid and Stilted. The Acting: Horrid and Stilted. The Costumes look like a cross between "bring your own" and bad Renaissance Faire rentals. The Music was ridiculously melodramatic, as though they thought that would help the audience to care about what was happening. The castle set looks like they were filmed in someone's backyard with about half a dozen extras trying to look like a "kingdom". There is about as much emotion as a chess match. While the Sleeping Beauty story is one of my all time favorites and I have seen and read almost every Sleeping Beauty story, book and film, I couldn't get past the first 20 minutes of this awful, awful film. Don't bother.
gurubesar I do not believe in copy-right thingy, but this is one thing I agree with the copy-right, patent-right or whatever they call it. Trying to use the same movie title to gain entry into the mind of the viewers is acceptable, but when you make a lousy movie out of a good title, then it is a different case all together.I just borrowed this movie from my friend who bought it. Unfortunately he did not warn me about the movie. I thought it was something similar to the old Hollywoody movie, but was I wrong big time. I hope this is not considered as spoilers. The prince is played by a character that is so disgusting. I could not imagine where in the world they found this kind of prince, specially when you make a fantasy movie. He could be a leader of biker gang for all I care, because the way his followers behaving. Of course to add insult to the injury, you have to create a cowardly prince to lead a group of people to fight the denizens of the magical realm which was created by the evil wizard (or is it evil queen ???)The CGI is very lousy. It looks like the work of grade 2 & 3 students during their art class. The whole idea of scary is completely different and really confusing. If you are afraid of the unknown, the most logical place to sleep would be as far away as possible from the source that scares you. But not here, the gang sleep next to the source but in a place where all the source of danger lay, not a single monsters come out during the night. The monster only come out during the day...., how convenient... If I as an ordinary (no movie star) person can see all these disgusting flaws, how is it that the director, the script writer and most importantly the financier can not see how bad this movie is ? Is it that they are so desperate to do something so that anything is better than nothing ? Is there no other way to invest the money other than this shitty movie ? My recommendation is get as far away as possible from this C grade movie (B grade is too good for this one....)