Death Note: The Last Name
Death Note: The Last Name
PG-13 | 15 October 2008 (USA)
Death Note: The Last Name Trailers

In the second installment of the Death Note film franchise, Light Yagami meets a second Kira and faithful follower Misa Amane and her Shinigami named Rem. Light attempts to defeat L along with Teru Mikami (a Kira follower) and Kiyomi Takada (another Kira follower) but in the end will Light win? or will a Shinigami named Ryuk make all the difference in Light's victory or his ultimate death?

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Platypuschow I knew that the Death Note story couldn't be told in a single movie and the Americans proved that several times over, the Japanese made it a two parter and though it's not on par with the anime it's still great viewing.Following on the story from Light & L's first meeting the battle of the two great minds continues as they try to outdo one another until the fantastic finale.Once again there are differences from the anime and the story isn't identical (Including the finale) but it's loyal enough to the original material to not be offensive.Once again both Light and L actors knock their performances out of the park and make up for some shoddy cgi and questionable soundtrack.I would recommend the Death Note movies to any Death Note fan, anyone who has only seen the US version and anyone who simply doesn't fancy anime.Now venturing on to the live action spinoffs methinks.The Good: It's Death Note Perfect casting Extremely well written The Bad: They changed Rems entire gender! Red Hot Chilli Peppers again!? Really!? Ryuk/Rem sfx still crap Things I Learnt From This Movie: The Death note story can be just about accomplished across 4hrs with tweaks
Leofwine_draca And so here we have the second part of the DEATH NOTE saga, which really has to be seen in conjunction with the first film as in essence both movies are part of the same overall picture (in the same way that the LORD OF THE RINGS films can be watched individually but must be watched as a trilogy for the full effect). Pleasingly, DEATH NOTE 2 retains the same level of classy originality, proficient attention to technical details and high calibre acting as the first film, so I found it equally as good.Of course, it's not the same beast and simply repeating the formula would have been a disappointment considering the pedigree set up by the first movie. This time around, the plot is a lot more complex, with additional characters and all manner of twists and turns that'll have your head spinning. By the time the ending comes, I admit I was a little confused by everything that was going on, but it does all work out if you think about it logically. I'd rather watch a film with lots going on than one with nothing, and the amount of detail in this film's story almost epic in scope.Cast members from the first film all return in this one, and give performances just as fine too. Fujiwara and Matsuyama are given the bulk of the work and they do very well in portraying the classic battle between good and evil scaled down to just two men. Special mention goes to Erika Toda, who makes what could have been an irritating, one-dimensional pop star type character into a multi-layered human being. This time around there are two floating death gods on offer and the CGI animation is just as impressive as in the first film. Things build to a genuinely impressive climax that neatly puts a lid on the proceedings, although one spin-off sequel, L CHANGE THE WORLD, followed.
industarz This film must be seen in conjunction with the first "Death Note", as they are more complete and fulfilling together. Together, they were as one film - one magnificent film, filled with moments and story with much to follow and belong to. Independently, it was wonderful as well. I found every part of this film to be interesting, the characters to be interesting - people to follow and care about and hope for and more. But, when the final part of the film was laid before me, I was caught in an unsuspecting emotional realm only the best films can manage to achieve. As with the first "Death Note", there are imperfections. Yet, surrealism brings forgiveness - and that is one element that makes these films magnificent - along with fabulous acting. Again, the actors that play "L" and "Light" pull it off, as well as many others. Watch this patiently without prejudgment and you just may be immensely satisfied and pleased to have spent your time investing in it. Yes, a wonderful film down to the last drop of tear, even more so than the first… see them both together, in order.
cianlovesx This move is simply rubbish, I myself have seen the entire anime and at points during the movie I found myself lost as to what was going on. The plot is also jumpy and I think it would take someone about 10 goes at watching it just to get the idea of what was going on.It also cuts HUGE chunks of the plot out, including several key characters and then adds ones that don't even exist to begin with! I mean.. where were Near and Mello? And what about when the business men were Kira? Oh and Light being chained to L for a substantial part of the anime? These are just a few examples I can think of.I loved the anime, I hoped that this film would be as good, however I just found it a huge disappointment and nearly turned it off half the way through. If you want my summary... don't bother wasting 2 hours of your life on this film, go do the dishes.. hoover the floor or even watch paint dry. All of these will be more exciting than this film.