Dear Heart
Dear Heart
NR | 07 March 1965 (USA)
Dear Heart Trailers

A lonely Ohio spinster hopes to find romance when she travels to New York City for a postmasters' convention.

Micitype Pretty Good
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
englishforyou Harry Mork (Glenn Ford's character) unfolds as a man getting older and wanting roots, family and belonging. But all are bundled into longing. For what he's longing for he's not sure. An eccentric postmistress(Geraldine Page) Evie, grows on him. She appears out of nowhere and she slowly gets into his mind and heart. Patrick, the son of a would-be fussy wife (Angela Lansbury)to Harry, becomes Harry's portal unto a different world. A world of assertiveness. Patrick, too, longs for love, found in a pre-hippie girlfriend named Zola, but he, too, knows that there is much more than a quicky and a fleeting relationship in Zola. Like Harry, Patrick is longing. And in Patrick, Harry sees a bit of himself. Something Patrick says makes Harry think: "Something has Got to be done about me!" Patrick emphasizes to Harry about being assertive in love.But the movie is more than relationships or the lack of.In Dear Heart we see a man edging closer to commitment. Not the commitment to Lansbury but one to the charming and under-the-radar Evie. Will they find love? Will they marry? Would they adopt the charming and introspective and grown Patrick?Love is found sometimes unexpectedly. Found love is to be acted upon before he or she flees. I expect that Harry made that commitment to Evie and, the next year, at the postmasters convention, Evie will have a roommate and a table for two.It's an amazing little movie. It's early 1960s but seems more in tune with the late 1960s. Like you would give love a chance, give this movie a chance.
jjnxn-1 Sweet, gentle comedy-drama of two lonely souls slowly realizing they are meant for each other. Geraldine Page has never been more endearing, her Evie Jackson is such a tender soul; a bit of a flibbertigibbet but only with the best intentions. She and Glenn Ford at first would seem mismatched by by subtle interplay you see that they would never be so right for anyone else. Angela Lansbury shows once again what a wonderful character actress she is by swooping in near the picture's end and in a few short scenes creating a fully realized person. Great supporting cast that seems to utilize every great distinctive older actress of the day, where else will you see both Gladys Kravitz together in the same movie as well as Mary Wickes and Ruth McDevitt? Great theme song too boot.
JLRMovieReviews Geraldine Page is a postmistress who's going to her convention in New York. Glenn Ford is an engaged man, who's getting married in a month to Angela Lansbury. They both happen to be staying at the same hotel and through certain circumstances, they meet, but only after we see Glenn visiting a friend, who's got the hots for him but he doesn't give her a tumble and after seeing Geraldine talking to Charles Drake, a married man, of whom she's been seeing. But of course she's miserable not having the whole package. This is a very sweet film, that was originally called The Out-of-Towners, but when the Oscar-nominated song was written, they came up with the idea to change the movie title to fit the song. Great idea! The title fits this very funny yet vulnerable film. It may be one of those films that are far from perfect, but has much heart and sentiment. Therefore, it makes up for any imperfections in the eyes of those who love it. If you've never seen Glenn meet Geraldine, then you are missing one match made in heaven, as they seem very well suited for each other. There's really nothing else to know about the film. "Dear Heart" is a movie that shows average people in search of love and finding it.
abcj-2 Dear Heart (1964) is right up there with the dearest movies on record. This film has the best of everything - great script, cast, director, song, and more. I saw Glenn Ford in The Gazebo and Geraldine Page in Sweet Bird of Youth. They were both so good that I gave this movie a try. From the time I heard the song of the same title to Page's first 10 seconds of screen time, I was absolutely captivated. I have read that Meryl Streep adored her. Page was a chameleon of an actress who thoroughly engrossed herself into her part. I can see her influence on Streep. I've seen few actresses as good as Page, and I've only racked up 2 films so far!! I'm not sure if I would have appreciated this film as much as a younger person, but I'll never know since I'm now in my 40's. It was so easy for me to picture myself in Page's character's shoes had I not found love and a wonderful husband and family. The opportunity for love and a satisfactory career for the middle-aged spinster in the 1960's was not very promising. Page portrays her juxtaposition of loneliness and friendliness with such vulnerability that only a knowing eye, which is the audience, can see. Glenn Ford resists Page at first, but somehow she softens him with her dear personality. There is really no need to go on. If you want to experience a film that will be dear to your heart forever, then this one is it.