Day Watch
Day Watch
R | 01 June 2007 (USA)
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A man who serves in the war between the forces of Light and Dark comes into possession of a device that can restore life to Moscow, which was nearly destroyed by an apocalyptic event.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Elain-ee Others will have described the massively complex plot here better than I ever could but I just came here to add that, even watching this is a foreign language with English subtitles, I 'got' enough of the in jokes (maybe it would even be called satire?) to laugh at the right parts of this film. The rest is done with such beautiful and surreal panache that you can't help but love it. A great and truly entertaining film that doesn't condescend or foreshadow anything. You won't know what's around the next bend but you'll probably agree it's all just as it should be. (And it's better than the first installment as well!)
Whatever Doesitmatter OK. So let's get one thing straight first and foremost. Most of the time, when I see a horrible review, I am immediately intrigued. (I for one, love lifetime's made-for-TV movies from the 1990's. They are great-just great.) So I appreciate the camp movies, horribly acted movies or the "it's so bad, we've made it an honorary member of the movie club" film. But. . . . . I promise you. This is not a film you want to watch simply to defy my review. This was a hot pile of steaming mess. A hot steamy pile of messy mess that is awful. Just awful. First off, it was completely incoherent. Have any of you waited til the last minute to complete a project or do your homework? And when you go to turn it in and you look next to you and see your coworker's project or classmate's project and thought, "God. I really should have put more time and effort into giving mine the appearance of hard work?" -Anybody? Show of hands. A-ha. This is what happened here. The special effects superseded the need or possibly even the interest in creating a baseline for the movie's course. It was completely void of good acting, congrugent script writing, and furthermore, the "timeline" was WAY off. It didn't hold any integrity as a film. There was no backbone or "meat" to the story's purpose. It was truly fumbled together and the person who clipped all of these scenes together could have cared less or wanted to be sooooooooo far off in left field in an effort to attract attention, that he or she left that fu***** ball back on the field. Out of the game, my friends. I can usually muster up some compassion when rating movies and ultimately, I backpeddle, fearful of bad movie karma. LET ME TELL YOU, I'm willing to take whatever the Russian movie Gods want to throw at me because this was awful. Lastly, I find it difficult to believe that even Russians liked this film. And if they did, it was only because they were paid to be an extra in the film. Don't buy these positive reviews, people. I'm telling you-you will feel utterly betrayed and really. . . it will be like the Twilight Zone where you slowly back out of the room all the while keeping your eyes on the odd guy to your left.Usually, when I see a train wreck, I want to know the details. Not here. Don't care out the train went off track, we've already fired the conductor. Won't happen again. Gaaahhhd.
mergatroid-1 It was quite a few years ago that I watched the first movie in this series, Nightwatch. It had a quote on the jacket from Quentin Tarantino saying how this Nightwatch was as spell binding as The Lord of the Rings, and how it reminds him of works done by Ridley Scott. High praise indeed.So, I bought it. I was extremely disappointed. The movie is very slow paced. Borderline boring. It is a very interesting idea that could have used a Hollywood-like budget.Some of us may have watched some European movies during the 70s and 80s. Those movies always seems strange and boring to me, with weird music and a laid back style. Similar to older Canadian movies. This is how I found Daywatch to be. Although it is better than the prequel Nightwatch just because it's not so boring, but it never really delivers the coolness, anticipation and edge of seat action I would come to expect from a movie of this genera. It's a nice attempt, but it doesn't quite reach its goal. They also seem to completely skip character development. There's not too much of a plot, at least it's not explained all that well. The overall story of both movies is that an agreement has been reached between the forces of good and the forces of evil. They have rules in place to prevent a war between the two sides such as one that happened in their past that almost destroyed both sides. So, they have a Nightwatch and a Daywatch that are sort of like cops keeping an eye on each side to make sure no one breaks the rules. Of course, the rules get broken and these "cops" have to to break some heads.If you're really bored anyway, and you're in the rental store or a big box movie section, or even looking over the list of available movies for download at your favorite website, AND you just can't find anything you want to watch that you haven't already seen AND you just HAVE to find ANYTHING to alleviate the boredom, then by all means if you see one of these two movies go ahead and pick it up. Especially if you can get it for a cheap price (like $5).If you have something better to do or watch, then skip these movies until you're desperate.
matt-viscasillas The movies production was fantastic. The subtitle interaction with the action of the movie was phenomenal. I liked the dark intense feel of their world, using the magic sparsely. A lot of the Hollywood crap was left out, however, saying that, the movie lacked a lot, namely Paranoia of post-soviet Russia, investigation and constant angst.By that I mean the plot of the book. I haven't seen NightWatch yet, but I read all three books, and after seeing DayWatch, I can only hope that Nightwatch would be more faithful to the original story. The mash-up of characters and their plot lines was borderline insulting. Anton, in the book was a light one who questioned the need for the two sides and the inquisition. Anton, in the movie had previously struck a deal w/ a witch to have his ex-wife hurt/murdered? No no, this was another character altogether in the books. I felt betrayed by the dual-sided nature of Anton in the movie, granted him being a pawn of both sides did carry through well, however it seemed he really rode the line of dark and light. The imagery of the "gloom" or "twilight" as the English adaptation of the book calls it, used little fly like bugs, but with all the CG in the movie, they could have kept it gray and gloomy instead of a surreal sped up version of the real world. The love plot between a dark one and a vampire mashed up a couple different plot lines and had they stuck to the story, the movie could have been bigger than the Matrix, or Lord of the Rings, both in Russia and here in the US.The stories are so in-depth and well imagined that they lend themselves to movie adaptation. All-in-all, a great,if not a bit rushed, action-fantasy flick, but a very disappointing adaptation from book to movie.