Good Day, Ramon
Good Day, Ramon
| 21 October 2013 (USA)
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After five failed attempts to go to the United States, 18-year-old Ramón decides to look for a friend’s aunt in Germany, but never finds her. With no papers or money, and without knowing the language, he barely survives living on the street until he meets Ruth, an old retired nurse who doesn’t speak Spanish. Beyond language barriers and prejudices, they discover that solidarity and humanity make life bearable.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Horst in Translation ( "Guten Tag, Ramón" is a 2-hour feature film from 2 years ago and it was written and directed by Jorge Ramírez Suárez and stars Kristyan Ferrer. I have to say I am not familiar with either. However, I do know Adriana Barraza from "Babel" of course. In this film here, we get to witness a young man's journey to Germany. You could almost call it a road movie. I personally felt that this was not really about Rámon, but about the people he meets and what their lives look like. The title kinda confirms this as this is said by somebody who meets him. There's dramatic moments in here, funny moments and some decent emotion from start to finish. I must say I never saw any real greatness that inspired me to watch this one soon again, but there are also no weaknesses in here. It's a very competent film. Solid acting, good script, convincing direction. All in all, I recommend the watch and I cannot say I am really surprised with all the awards attention this film got. Thumbs up. Oh yeah, one final note, there are several languages in here. So, unless you are fluent in both German and Spanish, make sure you get subtitles.
Ada Salas I liked it very much. As Mexican I laughed and cry very much. It is a story based on real life, what Mexican people think and feel as immigrants in Germany and the contrast with the immigration in the USA where the treatment is violent, racist and non effective, yet in the movie you can appreciate the difference. How he is treated, respected and helped by others without forgetting that the immigration authorities make their job efficiently. I liked very much how the movie shows that when there is love the language does not matter, what matters is feelings and how to transmit love... The actors are natural and Ramon has all the characteristics of a tender and adventurer young man.Without doubt I do strongly recommend this movie.
pablop64221 This is a fine movie related to the universal immigration "problem", but this film was solved with a very good script and intelligence for a nice history that makes feel great to all the viewers, giving a message of hope and friendship almost forgotten in the actual world ,it is a very, very fine history that you must see, regarding the "humanity" of certain people, leaving every kind prejudging when somebody has another language, history, customs, etc. but with a international "carisma" and a lot of good attitude for the others mainly old people. The Photo was excellent, the acting was OK. and Ramon it is a real discovery for the Mexican young actors in cinema of this days, the Director is superb in some scenes showing with their "heart" some of the Mexican feelings in a situations as they were filmed in the movie. Is a real surprise to find the cinemas totally sold out in more than 4 weeks since the red carpet for showing to the public here in Mexico City
alessiohagen I have seen the movie in an international film festival in Mexico, AMAZING!!!Great rhythm, photography, acting, script very international about migration and opening doors with international language of respect and love.A Mexican from Durango drop out after 5 times being deported on the way to USA, then a friend convince him to go to Germany looking for an aunt that will help him in Germany. A script where digital maps does not exist and immigrant has instructions included in a notebook paper. A beautiful story about why and how people migrate, but also how everybody can find help even without speaking same languages.
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