The Horrible Sexy Vampire
The Horrible Sexy Vampire
| 07 January 1971 (USA)
The Horrible Sexy Vampire Trailers

Some kind of sadist, but not human, is murdering people. A doctor is convinced that the killings are the evil workings of a reclusive odd baron who died many years ago.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
qmtv This was a decent and different vampire film. Not great, but entertaining. I must have missed something in the translation. I did not understand how the vampire became. And maybe they should have thrown in a few other scenes outside the house. Other than that, I thought the script was intelligent. There was a lot of information in the dialogue and actions of the characters. The actors did a fine job. At the end the girlfriend didn't question the heir. She did not see the vampire but went along with it. So, there are holes in the script. But given the production with the acting, dialogue, cinematography, editing, music, this film definitely builds atmosphere.Rating is a B, or 7 stars. 10 stars given for loser reviews
Ben Larson Wal Davis and Ada Tauler have appeared in several Jesus Franco films, many of the same ones. It causes one to suspect that the director, José Luis Madrid, may just be another name that Franco uses.This is not a Franco film. There is no blood as the vampire chokes his victims. Even though it is not Franco, there is no shortage of big naturals, as the vampire only attacks when the women are undressed. It is also unusual in the fact that he chokes, rather than the usual biting on the neck.You don't have to be a vampire completeist to enjoy the film. Just enjoy the victims, some of whom do not appear in any other film.
Lee Eisenberg "El vampiro de la autopista" (called "The Horrible Sexy Vampire" in English) is mostly what we would expect from any Euro-horror flick from the early '70s, namely the women who exist only to strip, shower and get killed. What I can't understand is why the vampire strangles people instead of directly drinking their blood (or why he tells his descendant to stop him). As long as we just accept that this movie has basically no purpose accept to teach hot women not to remove their clothes - which itself presupposes that horny men are watching so as to see their big breasts - then it's a pretty fun flick. But not much else (maybe it would have been a little neater had it starred Paul Naschy). I actually got to watch a version dubbed in English with Dutch subtitles. Go figure!
pumaye This Spanish early Seventies movie is really boring in his depiction of several murders made by a really strange vampire (for most of the movie he is invisible and he doesn't bite the neck or other bodily parts of his victims - both male and female - but he strangles them, uh?), a German baron presumed dead in 1896.It comes to his debauched blond heir to kill him and permit him to rest in peace.Lot of assorted female nudities, almost always unrelated to sexual acts - the ladies are killed or assaulted during their baths - but very mitigated for today standards - but probably I've seen an edited version, because it was on Satellite TV -, so in the end the movie is totally dull, with a boring plot, bad acting, bad effects, no blood at all - and this is really strange for a so called vampire movie.
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