Dark Floors
Dark Floors
R | 08 February 2008 (USA)
Dark Floors Trailers

A man emerges with his autistic daughter and three others from a hospital elevator to find themselves trapped in the building with devilish monsters.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
begob When her hospital treatment goes wrong, a little girl and her father have to flee from nightmarish monsters through an endless labyrinth of death.Big production stuff, with good direction and photography, and it gets into its pace almost straight away. Performances are OK, especially the little girl, but the characters are one-note so there's not much the actors can do, especially with lots of dry dialogue.The frights were good early on, but I just can't be doing with heavy metal visions of hell. Cheese. I prefer it when the supernatural is a taste of the moment of death, not eternal damnation.The music was pretty good, and some clever stuff with sound when all the phones ring at once.There is a sensitive story in here, but the concept was just too heavy handed. At about halfway through I began wondering how they'd wrap it up, and the rest pounded its way to a climax that didn't earn that final sequence. In other words, the subtext is very human and complex, but the concept doesn't really bring it out. (I'm flailing around not to give spoilers!)Overall, solid entertainment but crucially confused.
chris dimarino Dark Floors is a very interesting moving. It is thought provoking, dark and paced well. Unfortunately not to many other compliments can be given to this movie. It is thought provoking because it is flat out so random and no explanations are given.Dark Floors has some fundamental pieces of a good fantasy horror. There are some interesting terrors and the setting is great. The acting is average but none of these things can save this movie.This movie seems like it's a great movie with about 15 minutes of plot oriented scenes cut out. The movie makes no sense and doesn't even try to bring you along for the ride. It's sad because the movie was beginning to remind me of a crappy Silent Hill, but just ended up being crappy.I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to pay as little attention to a movie as possible and not miss anything.
Rob_Taylor Apparently this movie has something to do with some Finnish band. I guess I might have got more out of the film if I knew more about the band, but I'm not sure exactly what that would have been.Dark Floors, on the surface, is a surreal trip into the mind of an autistic child. At least, I think that's what its meant to be. I can't be sure, because nothing is really explained at the end or, if it is, its not made clear enough for me to grasp it.So what's good about this movie to distinguish it from, say, Silent Hill? Well, I liked the way the "plot" went from simple creepy, through to ghost story, then monsters, then.....what the f**k! There was a constant increase in the weirdness level as the movie progressed. At no point did any of it make much sense, but I just went with it. Oh, and did I mention the stopped time element? That's there throughout.At no point did I ever feel I had a grasp on the characters predicament. As I mentioned above, best guess was that it was all in the little girls mind. Unfortunately, that fantasy-within-a-fantasy also gave me little reason to care about any of the characters.There were some nice touches, such as the ever deteriorating state of the hospital as the band of survivors descended towards ground floor but, on the whole, I wanted to understand what was going on more than I wanted nice visuals.That, for me, is the films biggest let-down. It throws its story at the audience and then singularly fails to explain what is going on and why. Some films thrive on this lack of explanation, but horror pics generally don't. And here, Dark Floors, suffers increasingly as the movie goes on from this fault.It looks good, is decently acted and shot. But without that spark of understanding, it leaves the audience literally on the outside looking in. All in all, a disappointment.
broholcombe Stupidest movie I've ever forced myself to watch. Great visual effects but you don't establish any connections with any of the characters. Its like all this stuff is going on in the movie but you don't know why. It just starts to happens and develop abruptly without any meaning. What is the point of this movie? Even to be entertaining, movies need a reason or a plot. The characters all act bewildered but they seem to be "OK" with that. This movie just "happens" and the ending is just plain stupid. The main character doesn't say more than one sentence at a time and it's incoherent at best. No rhyme or reason. It seems like quite a bit of money was wasted on a pointless movie.