Crying Ladies
Crying Ladies
| 25 December 2003 (USA)
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Three working-class Manila women — Stella, Ailing and Choleng — are hired as paid mourners at a traditional Chinese funeral.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
joshuamanimtim2 Saw this film while channel surfing.Hey, ain't I right? Almost all Filipino movies contain the same plot (Lust-Love-Death-Drama...) recently.The plot:A mother taking care of his son who is being claimed by her former husband,While looking for a decent job, she decided to apply as a "crying lady" (women who would wail in front of a casket in a funeral, I don't know why).I was never a fan of locally-made films but hey! This change my attitude towards them.Possibly the best Filipino film I have ever watched.
theocinema Crying Ladies definitely has its moments. The beautifully-shot scenes of a traditional Chinese funeral lend a cultural richness and international appeal to the film. The comedy is raw and unpretentious; a very Filipino sense of humor shines through. There are poignant, delicately human scenes when the characters get drawn by the real tears shed by the bereaved family so that it is difficult to tell whether they were still crying for pay or just being participants of a shared broken humanity. And there is a very endearing, sincere quality about the characters of Crying Ladies, owing a lot to the first-rate portrayal of the lead actors led by Sharon Cuneta. Her conflicted Stella is thoroughly real; with just the right amount of goofball doses to make her likable. Tough critics from the New York Times and Village Voice gave her the "two thumbs up," even when they point out the film's flaws.And flaws there are, one of which is the film's uneven editing– languishing unnecessarily in some sequences and sloppily breaking narrative continuity here and there.Nonetheless, Crying Ladies succeeds in presenting a whimsical glimpse of how adept Pinoys are at turning tears into laughter... so seamlessly, and without bitterness.
rockerbanger this is a film that is made me love Sharon Cuneta, i really hated her films for cheesy lines, soundtracks and other crap but this is a cut above the rest. it is the best film of Sharon Cuneta since "Madrasta". she deserves to win the best actress award. even though there are some technical errors on the film, the story still makes it a real screen gem. we hope to see more films like this. it shows the real situation of how Filipinos live and how they cope up with poverty and how they will prove their love for their love ones. this is a really good movie and star cinema craps can't reach the quality of this film. we just hope to see more films like this really "Pinoy" and realistic film in the future
misterphilippines I watched this film in Germany. Looking at the cover alone, I thought it would be a drama but people told me, it was suppose to be a comedy with interludes of emotional scenes. As I watched the introduction, I already noticed that this film had at least high quality production. And even the entering music was great. Another good thing was that the visual scene of the entire movie was very clear, compared to most Filipino movies. Well, it's because good quality equipments were used in this film. One thing I liked the most about this film are the sound effects. Those were the only elements that gave feeling and justice to the acting if the casts. I found the crying of the mourners very corny. The whole plot of the story, I really don't know what to say. Nothing really special. It didn't touch me at all. But the cast played their roles very well. Also the written script was good. Many people hated it and found it corny. But I have to admit that it was somewhat heart-warming. I also noticed after watching the movie that this film pays tribute to the Philippines' Filipino-Chinese heritage and I know that cultural movies do well internationally, which actually was true. For the average Filipino movie, I do not think this one is really anything special. I also don' understand why many people love this film so much. But it is weird that I find it unique in a way. Maybe it's because this film is a refreshment for Philippine cinema. I highly recommend this movie to people who are interested in foreign customs and cultures. I'm sure it will be an eye opener!