Creepshow 3
Creepshow 3
R | 24 April 2006 (USA)
Creepshow 3 Trailers

This follow-up to the George Romero/Stephen King-launched anthology series features five new tales of horror and a wraparound. The main stories deal with alternative realities ("Alice"), possessed communication devices ("The Radio"), vampires and serial killers in lust ("Call Girl"), mad inventors ("The Professor's Wife"), and hauntings from beyond the grave ("Haunted Dog").

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Blazehgehg This is a tragically dumb movie. I don't mean that it's a tragedy that it's so dumb, I mean this is a movie about people who don't have a thought in their head engaging in tragic situations. Much blood is spilled, but largely by people who lack any sort of basic reasoning skills or a shred of common sense. Occasionally the movie jabs you with its elbow, as if to say "Isn't this wacky and fun?" But there's no fun here, no whimsy, and very little camp or schlock. It's like beating yourself in the head with a rock for 104 minutes. I couldn't laugh with it, I couldn't laugh at it, I only rolled my eyes at how grotesquely nonsensical it was getting.The rubbery special effects are as cheap looking as they are rarely shown. The writing has that slightly "off" quality about it that makes you wonder if it was written in a foreign language and then translated in to English (poorly). Regardless of whether the movie is trying to be wacky, scary, or horrific, there is never any kind of suspension of disbelief. Even when the craziest things are happening, all of the characters have a weirdly disconnected "Eh, just roll with it." blasé mentality about everything. It's like a space alien's idea of what human beings act like.Don't even consider it; there's nothing redeemable to be had here.
buddypatrick Creepshow III is not as bad as its infamous reputation. Taking into account the creators behind this film are in fact those responsible for the abomination known as Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, their second attempt at a devote homage to Romero is in fact successful - - as a devote Creepshow/Romero fan; it really is not that bad of a film.The original Creepshow is fantastic as is Creepshow 2 and Tales from the Darkside is also another entertaining segmented hit from the same group of creators. I personally love these movies; they're parodies and spoofs of their inspiration source yet faithful homages at the same time so wonderfully portrayed it brings back childhood memories of being scared of nonsensical jibber jabber such as ghosts and zombies and monsters hiding under the bed. In the 80's and 90's Romero and King worked alongside on these films inspired by E.C comics, shorts by Stephen King - what have you. Let's look at Creepshow III in that way; after Romero and King's series of segment-based horror/comedy film they therefore set new grounds for new film makers to indulge and be inspired by and I think Creepshow III is exactly that - - taking into account its restrictions of pushing boundaries which I am sure the film makers would have intended to do but this is clearly an incredibly low budget film so there are bound to be set backs in script, acting, special effects … even though I don't think those particular structures in the film are that bad at all. AJ Bowen in "The Radio" is particularly good as is Camille Lacey in "Call Girl" as a serial killing prostitute. My main point is that there are movies out there that are far worse than this. I have intentionally seen a lot of horrible movies so I can appreciate a wider range of cinema, some movies I have seen have $0 budgets and are shot on a digital home videos; Ben & Arthur (2002) comes to mind, and then there is Tommy Wiseau's The Room (2003) that is screened all the time at my local cult theatre so teenagers can get drunk/stoned and laugh at how appallingly awful everything about it truly is. Think Monster A Go-Go (1965) where the film ran out of funding, so the movie abruptly halts halfway and finalises the ending with stock footage. What about Santa With Muscles? Anything by Ulli Lommel is also worth burning and burying – my point being is that Creepshow III suffers a bad rap and I fail to see why, the first segment is probably the worst segment of all three Creepshow movies perhaps, but the film picks up with The Radio, Call Girl (which is reminiscent of the first Creepshow's "Father's Day" and "Something to Tide You Over" and the second movie's "The Hitchhiker) and even "The Professor's Wife" has a good sense of gory humour to it. After all this movie *is* intended to be a comedy/horror – it is probably more comedy based though with minor childlike horror elements. It reminds me of Goosebumps or Freaky Stories.So did I enjoy Creepshow III? Apart from the failure of a coherent "Alice in Wonderland" reference that is the first segment "Alice" (even though there is good humour behind it) the movie is actually quite funny particularly "The Radio" and "Call Girl" being my favourite segments. The movie is a good cousin to the original two films and as a devote Romero/King/Creepshow fan I say that in all confidence. If one had a broad and open mind toward low budget cinema then you would understand that the infamous bad reviews that Creepshow III receives are in fact inflated and exaggerated by the horror community that are forever expected every horror movie that is released to be the next Rosemarie's Baby or Halloween, people are always demanding too much of horror.The reason I love horror so much is its capability to be so diverse and so broad that one can manipulate fantasy, mystery, action, sci-fi into the mixing pot and whatever the outcome you can still optionally chose comedy as its strongest feature. So whether you think Creepshow III is good or bad, just take this film buff's advice; there is always *always* something far worse than whatever you have seen, so keep looking – when you find that ultimate bottom of the pit failure of celluloid it will help you appreciate movies like Creepshow III more.
MistyNoble1987 I wish I could have given this movie a rating of less then one star. But alas, I cannot. This is the biggest abomination for a Creepshow I have ever had the displeasure of gazing my eyes and ears upon. I am extremely happy and relieved that I knew this was an unofficial sequel to the cult classic Anthology before I watched the thing. I may have cried a little bit if Romero and King had been involved with this mockery of a Flopshow! It makes me sick to think they can take a cult classic name, such as Creepshow, and drop it on what is this monstrosity known as Creepshow 3. The only thing I can even remotely say I liked about it is the fact that in one way or another, all five stories got tied together. However, that still does not erase the below mediocre acting, the effects were okay, but they certainly could have been loads better. This is one anthology I wish I had never found out had an unofficial squeal. The worst part about the whole shenanigans is I bought the three Creepshows as Italian Imports. But, alas, I was to naive to realize there is a possibility that if it is an import that it may not play on an American player. So I curled up with my blanket and put 3 in to my American DVD player only find out it was not compatible with my player. So I rushed out and spent $10 on an American copy without even exploring the possibility that I may be able to watch it on my computer. Fiddled with it last night, got it on the computer, now I have two copies of a movie that I won't even consider using for a coaster. Pathetic to say the least!
J-Russell I was amused some of the negative reviews of this flick. I mean, if you rent a movie called "Creep Show III" what exactly were you expecting?? It's not like Creep Show 1 & 2 were academy award winners...or Sundance winners...or ANY kind of winners. Anyway, I had NO expectations at all going in, so I thought it was good, clean morbid fun.There are a half a dozen vignettes, all tangentially related. One or two don't make sense, the rest are mildly amusing...if you can stand a bit of gore. The most memorable is probably the case of the security guard who has a rather unusual girlfriend. She just happens to be...a transistor radio.Then there's the tale of a tough, muscle-bound hooker who carries a dark secret around with her in her purse. This story has the most lurid, gory scene in it: the blonde bully ties one of her clients to a bed, then straddles and rides him enthusiastically. She can't be sexually satisfied, however, until she plunges a knife into her man's chest, so that's exactly what she does. EEK! Seems HE'S got a secret that's just a wee bit darker than hers, though.The most outrageous story is about a couple of nerdy engineering students who meet their brilliant professor's attractive young fiancée. She's supposedly from Russia, but they have their doubts. Convinced that she's merely one of his crazy robotic projects, they decide to play a little joke on their old prof. Waiting till he leaves the house on an errand, they subdue the poor woman, then commence to "disassemble" her with an assortment of kitchen knives. It's a gruesome giggle as they hold the freshly severed limbs and organs up to the light and proclaim how "realistic" they are...until it dawns on them...Pretty low brow stuff...but that's what B movie are all about. It ain't no Bride of Frankenstein, or Night of the Living Dead, but if you're not expecting much, it's kind of fun.