R | 20 September 1985 (USA)
Creator Trailers

With the help of student assistant Boris and stolen university equipment, Dr. Harry Wolper plans to clone his dead wife. But then he meets Meli, an egg donor for his experiment, and they fall in love. Faced with choosing between his deceased wife and Meli, Dr. Wolper sees his situation in a new light when Boris' own new love, Barbara, falls into a coma. Meanwhile, another professor tries shutting down the cloning project.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Micitype Pretty Good
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
myfrybread This is hands down my favorite film! I rarely watch a film more than once, but 'Creator' is a film that I have watched over and over again and will never tire of it or the feelings it provokes.I don't think I can top the reviews already written and was delighted to know that others felt the way that I did about this film.Romantic, heartwarming, profound, funny, thought-provoking are just a few words that come to mind to describe this film. The character's all work so well together and the film follows the book very closely.What can I say about Peter O'Toole that hasn't been said before, he is truly at the top of my list for greatest actor in the industry. A sexy man in his 70's? Yep! I hope our screen's will be graced yet again with another movie by this fine actor.For those who have not seen this under-rated film, try to get a copy of it for your classic film library. Be prepared to laugh, cry and think when seeing this delightful, profound film. This is a film you can sit down and watch with you children and grandchildren.....and dear "Lucy", that we all could be loved as this "character" was loved.
Derek Williams I really tried to like this film about a doctor who has the possibility of a new life with a young woman if he can comes to terms with the death of his wife. I suppose this was to play like a quirky light romantic comedy but the theme is a little uncomfortable for me.But putting that aside, I found the dialog was too much like a stage play despite being based on a novel and also,the mediocre acting was embarrassing to watch especially by the young lead Vincent Spano.I have been sort of trying to catch up on all the eighties movies I missed during that decade. It has been my pet peeve that eighties nostalgia buffs seem to focus on the same core canon of films usually featuring the brat pack actors and actresses and neglecting the other films like Creator that have fallen through the cracks. But in the case of this feature I have to say I can understand it. Not all of these eighties films were magical and Creator is proof of this.
odyankee I was very surprised to see the range of reviews this movie received. Especially the ones from 1-5. That just does not make sense to me. The characters of Harry and Boris were fantastic in this movie. The relationship they formed with one another and the ones they had with there love ones was so touching and heart warming. I admit that when I was told about the outline of the movie I thought it was stupid but then thankfully I was not a stubborn person about it and watched it anyway. I am your typical guy from Brooklyn/Staten Island and I will admit that this movie made me cry, not as much as I cried at the end of Field of Dreams, but I cried nonetheless. Grab your video card and the person you love and watch this movie. If the both of you are truly in love, you will be glad that you watched this movie. The simple message in this movie is don't give up on love no matter how hopeless the situation.
Quentintarantado The great Peter O'Toole is an eccentric scientist trying to clone his wife, Mariel Hemingway is the easily orgasmic young woman who provides the egg and an incredibly hot Virginia Madsen (the third time I saw her, after "Electric Dreams" and "Dune"; she was hot in the eighties, thank God for "Sideways" resurrecting her career)is Vincent Spano's love interest. The movie careens from science fiction to romantic comedy to drama and it's all tied together by a melancholic piano melody by Sylvester Levay.I think the comedy was quite good but what made the movie memorable was this sense of sadness. Maybe it's because of the score, maybe it's because of the topic, when the characters deal with the loss of a loved one. Maybe because of Peter O'Toole.I don't know what O'Toole had been through but occasionally when he isn't saying anything, when he just peers over his glasses in wordless comment over something silly, something tragic or something absolutely wonderful, he can convey a world-weary sympathy with that other person as if he's saying, "yes, that happened to me too."