| 19 May 2001 (USA)
Conspiracy Trailers

At the Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942, senior Nazi officials meet to determine the manner in which the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" can be best implemented.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
alihandemiral Eerily tense but remarkable, "Conspiracy" potrays a moment in history that has not been given enough attention. Although Nuremburg laws, Wannsee Conference and Nuremburg trials are always talked about in history, the meeting that connects these three often goes unmentioned.Kenneth Branagh's and Stanley Tucci's portrayals of their characters are phenomenal and the thrill and uncanniness of the subject of the meeting stays with the audience till the very end when the credits roll. An astonishing picture.
lovemydesignergenes Other reviewers herein will give you a good summary of this chilling movie.Subject: the meeting held January 20, 1942 in Wannsee, Germany. Purpose: To persuade, coerce all needed upper management German Nazis to do their part to set up and run the transportation and death machines for the gathering and murdering of all Jews living in lands under Nazi control.Parental Advisory: There is a little crude conversation about sexual things. However, the conversation only reinforces the coldbloodness of many of these Nazi leaders.Advice: Suggesting you first give the teen/college student a quick background (including film clips) about the Holocaust. Do NOT assume they know much about it.And then...ask "How do you think they got others to help transport and then kill the Jews?".And this film!
Harry Krajicek This movie sets several things straight. The Wannsee conference is not the place and time where Nazi Germany decided to commit the Holocaust. The Holocaust had been going on for quite some time by January 1942, the time of the conference. Dachau had been in business for years. The SS Einsatzkommandos had already marched into Poland and Russia, gunning down Jewish men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands. Even the extermination camps had already opened for business. Hermann Göring, at Hitler's direction, had already given the order to proceed with the Final Solution of the Jewish Question.Conspiracy individualises the Nazis at the conference, and shows the different faces of evil. Tellingly, Wilhelm Stuckart is one of the least repulsive characters present, even though he is the architect of the Nuremberg Laws which forced Jews out of the professions and decreed death for any Jew who should marry an Aryan. He, at least, is one of the few who has the courage to stand up to Heydrich, if only for a little while, and resist the SS thugs' insistence on mass murder. His insistence that Jews must be oppressed only according to the strict letter of the law is insane, absurd, but it is a principle, which is more than most of these people have. Klopfer, Martin Bormann's lackey, is the most disgusting man present, even if he can't match Heydrich for pure evil; not even the veneer of civilization is left on him, and he shows sadistic pleasure at the thought of murdering the Jews. Other reactions range from zealously uncritical compliance with orders, to cheerful indifference, to a sort of put-upon resentment that the work of extermination is falling on them.When it comes to flaw-picking time, I can only say that the ending should have shown some of the consequences of the meeting. There should have been at least some reference to the millions of people who were killed by these men. Instead, we are treated only to the fate of the men themselves, although that is disturbing in itself when we see how many of them escaped justice at Nuremberg.
Darcy Buckner Overall I think that Conspiracy is a well made and moderately accurate film. It really helped when watching it for my studies and gave me a clearer understanding to the opinion and plans of the SS and gave me another point to argue with with evaluating the Holocaust for history. I feel as though the actors were perfect for their roles and they were made to clearly show the story from a different point of view. Also I found the movie to be very detailed and interesting, which was helpful in my understanding of what the SS had to do with the whole idea. As well as the content being very enthusiastic and impressive, I think this is a clever film by showing a side other than that of Hitler's, and it is key to the plans and intentions of the whole Nazi party. In contrast, I do agree that it was not historically accurate or perfect as some scenes tended to be exaggerated and wrong in some ways. But I suppose to make a good film, there needs to be some parts added to the original story to make people want to watch it.By doing this, the producer is also getting people to think about those scenes and question what could have actually happened for themselves and ask questions about what happened in-between the meetings and conferences. However, this didn't stop me enjoying the movie and watching it very carefully and I still feel as though I took away a lot from it. I would also recommend other people watching it as I do believe it is a good watch.