| 23 August 2012 (USA)
Comedown Trailers

Six friends, who've known each other from childhood, break into the tower block they lived in as kids, now deserted and condemned, to rig-up a pirate radio station, get high and party. When one of the group goes missing, her friends begin to search the dark interior of the tower and soon realize that they are not alone: a resident psychopath lurks in the shadows and is hunting them down, taking them out, one-by-one.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
bowmanblue I watch a lot of horror/slasher films and most of them I get about half way through before I turn off. Comedown had absolutely nothing new to add to the genre and the characters were pretty unlikeable, yet I found I managed to sit through the whole thing without actually turning it off.A bunch of pretty horrible teenagers break into a condemned London tower block in order to set up a pirate radio station. However, there's the obligatory psycho happens to already be living there. And, unsurprisingly, he doesn't take too kindly to their intrusion. What follows is the typical 'hunt 'em and kill 'em' scenario.Although the killer looks like he's already starred in I Know What You Did Last Summer, he's played by Geoff Bell, an actor who always puts in a good performance (even if he does only just squeak in this case!). The rest of the cast are basically 'killer-fodder.' You won't find yourself shedding too many tears when they start getting hacked to death. One girl is pregnant and her boyfriend is a reformed convict, so I think we're supposed to root for them. Jessica Barden, who plays a particularly 'chavvy' young lady, actually puts in a pretty good performance.There's nothing new here and what little budget the film had seems to have been wasted on using computers to add extra blood in. Personally, I'd rather they'd have simply squirted a couple of bottles of tomato ketchup here and there, as the computer effects look a little bit too fake.Like I say, nothing too new here, but strangely watchable and quite good fun in its genre.
FlashCallahan Six friends break into the tower block they lived in as kids, now deserted and condemned, to rig up a pirate radio station, and party. When one of the group goes missing, her friends begin to search the dark interior of the tower and soon realise that they are not alone. A resident psychopath lurks in the shadows and is hunting them down, taking them out, one-by-one....What sounds like a good idea, is ruined by the awful script, and the equally awful dialect that the characters spout out every other minute.There are so many troupes in this film, guy comes out of jail to do right, friends try and turn him back to the criminal ways he had, and the friend who is a bit mental, but really weak.The cast are good, Deacon plays the same character he does in every other film, and it all ends up a bit Kidulthood meets I Know What You Did Last Summer.It's intense in parts, the initial set up is great, but when the main protagonist is vexed because of pigeons, you know you cannot take this film seriously.The action literally takes place on on corridor, and we are treated to scenes of the villain in his torture chamber, playing with his victims, another cliché in this type of genre.deacon is the most vile character, hence he gets the most intense death scene.The ending is too obvious, the boy who wants to change gets implied in the killings, and we are treated to a final scene with the killer...sequel time? This time, I very much doubt it.It's okay, but nothing worth writing home about.
Tinie Talon I loved this film. It was a very tense and very real horror. I was hooked from begin to end. The death scenes were great and very realistic for a change. I was actually interested by the characters, which in most horrors I'm not. I didn't expect to care about a group of hoodies but in the end you do. I felt that Jacob Anderson (Lloyd) and Jesscia Barden (Kelly) shone through as two very strong young actors. The setting was very atmospheric and grim. The sound and music also added a great deal and really heightened the tension throughout the film. I'd be keen to see if they are making a sequel as the film leaves you wanting more. 10 stars
Tony Bush What's with the recent spate of British urban thriller movies set in and around abandoned inner city tower blocks? In 2012 we've had CITADEL, TOWER BLOCK, ATTACK THE BLOCK and now COMEDOWN.COMEDOWN is the least creatively accomplished or inventive of the trend so far. It relies on the slasher movie staple of wayward teens targeted by a serial killing maniac. They have to fight for their lives, and you just know that for most of them it's a losing battle.Audience sympathy is not enhanced by the fact that the teens in question are portrayed as a barely literate group of alcohol-swigging, drug taking hooligans with low IQs, criminal tendencies and repugnant personalities. Their nemesis is equally as unattractive, subhuman and just as unsympathetic, so there's really no one to root for. Rather than hoping for anyone to survive or prevail, I found myself wishing for them to hurry up and get killed so that the film could move more quickly towards its (foregone) conclusion.If someone has a mind to make this sort of movie, at least have the sense and common decency to attempt some level of character development and provide the audience with some individuals they have a chance of identifying with or emotionally investing in. I can't imagine even the most depraved brain-dead inner city delinquent hoodie scumbag finding anyone in this film in the least way appealing. What chance, then, have the rest of us got? It looks cheap – probably because it is – but the tower block itself is well rendered in all its decaying grotesqueness, and some of the death scenes rise just slightly above the mundane whilst still remaining largely uninspired.Finally, COMEDOWN is probably an apt title. The film feels just like one.