Coconut Hero
Coconut Hero
| 13 August 2015 (USA)
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It's not easy being a teenager and Mike, a sixteen-year-old, has it espcially hard. He lives in the sticks with his mother, a non-stop nagger, in Faintville, a Canadian timber industry town. He has no father, no friends, not even a favorite meal. Basically, his sole wish is simply to vanish from the face of the earth. One day, Mike writes his own obituary and shoots himself. To his great disappointment he wakes up the in the local hospital. During a routine examination, the doctors discover a plum-sized tumor in his brain. Mike can scarcely believe his luck and keeps the illness to himself to avoid undergoing surgery that would save him. Staring death directly in the eyes, however, changes Mike's point of view and he re-evaluates his opinion of both enchanting and crazy Miranda. Somebody seems to understand him after all.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
kosmasp Difficult subject matter, and nice/decent effort to make it feel light and refreshing somehow. There are quite a few quirky/strange things that are happening here, that are weird to the point they can be taken as light entertainment. Which is never easy when it comes to the subject matter of suicide.The main actor said he didn't try to concentrate on the fact that his character was suicidal nor did he think that that was the case. How else could you find humor in something like this? And while this walks the thin line nicely, there have been better movies on the subject matter. Still a nice try with some more than decent acting and a nice story overall.
llaberjoe One of a kind drama with minimum cliché parts. The movie is kept absolutely simple in conversations, shots and cast. It's often really quiet but without 'chuddy' parts (never protracting). Not really the kind of movie for a sociable evening but a very humorous drama winning over with likable, charming personalities. One of the few movies full of character with parts that may soak you up entirely.In categories:Narrative: 8/10, the serious topic of 'losing the will to live on' is shown in an entertaining but absolutely appropriate way. The movie brims over with sensitive insights on Mike's mind and the mindset people in his situation may have in general. Also it awakens major lust for life and may be a great watch for anyone having feelings like him. It has a wacky sense of humour and most of the 'simple kept' conversations want you to think about the sub line, but not in a very intellectual way. When Mike and Miranda meet, part of the story gets easily predictable. But the way the two main characters get to know each other, communicate and interact is affecting, lovingly intimate and absolutely unlike 'Hollywood' standard pictures. This in contrast to the (enjoyable) interactions between Mike and his mother builds the core of this movie.Characters: 9/10, the acting is absolutely believable and especially the two main actors do a great job. If I may steal the word from another review, endearing is the perfect word to describe Mike's character. An absolutely innocent mind, who does everything quirky and honest heartedly. And this is the movie's 'foundation' - his unique personality, which is easily likable and purely human.Cinematography: 7/10, filmed in a smooth way, guiding throughout the plot suiting music and story. The emotions are transported really convincingly, some shots are quite elaborate and unusual but without ever being over the top. A lot of scenes are filmed static but through great perspectives and perspective changes it comes off dynamically and properly done.Music: 9/10, The music always fits and underlines situations perfectly as well as taking over the part of communication and narration. A blend of atmospheric sounds and well picked songs.
WonWaiWai I'm not good at writing reviews, but seeing as how this movie does not have many reviews so far, I thought I'd contribute one.The lead, and the sole person this movie was mostly about, Mike Tyson comes off as an interesting character, sometimes in an endearing sort of way. The movie shares with us his quirky persona, and by the end shows what may be a little, but particularly important growth in Mike as a person. The interactions between Mike and his mother, as well as other minor characters were fun enough to watch.While some people might be turned off by this movie seeing as there's not much going on, and that the plot was not heavy, I thought it is enjoyable enough as far as coming-of-age movies go. Even the ending was OK with me, because it was sort of a happy ending, but not over the top/cliché.
zif ofoz How can a most entertaining story become a hackneyed mess at the end?In "Coconut Hero" Mike is a bit different than the other teens his age. He's a critical thinker, a realist, and having this type of insight into life at his age can be, and is, a confusing state of mind. He's the only one in his school that has not been absorbed into the group thinking that is so part of being accepted by others. And being accepted by others is most important in teen years. So Mike decides to end his life although he does not appear to be depressed. His attempt fails. But the aftermath of this attempt at suicide brings the feeling of liberation to him.Director: Florian Cossen and Writer: Elena von Saucken portray Mike as a comical innocent, he is an only child of a hair dresser divorced mother with a brash no-nonsense personality, and the school counselor and therapist seem at at loss in how to deal with him because he is so non-threatening and reserved. Then the dance instructor Miranda enters Mike's life. Along the way Mike's father shows up! Mike absorbs sound bites from a minister and a funeral director. All these bits and parts don't quite fit together for him.Here's where the story starts to fall apart. Mike leaves home, striking out alone, destination - whatever. By chance Miranda just happens to be in need along a deserted road and Mike comes to her aide. Here the story becomes a cliché and the viewer can certainly figure out what's about to happen. Mike gets his wish but with an unexpected twist. All ends happily - for the most part!! You just spent an hour and twenty minutes watching this story, you will like and care about Mike, Miranda is a plus for all involved and then the writer takes a 'soap opera' turn in the story and for the next fifteen minutes you must suffer a confusing montage of Mikes life! The end.I do not want to give away the details in this movie because I really liked it! But the ending was such a letdown! It's a wonderful story but golly why that ending?