Chasing Mavericks
Chasing Mavericks
PG | 26 October 2012 (USA)
Chasing Mavericks Trailers

Surfer Jay Moriarity sets out to ride the Northern California break known as Mavericks.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
nickyvl-28050 This was an excellent movie, really worth watching. It follows a young man named Jay on his journey to follow his dreams. is shows her viewers the power of love, perseverance and willpower en definitely makes you think about your standards in life. Based on a true story without making it an unreal dream. Would recommend for everyone!
realkeanureeves Based off of a true story, the movie Chasing Mavericks, not only shows the courage and strength you need to be a big wave surfer, but also the determination and dedication to the sport, and how all the things you learn in the water can help you in your everyday life. If you want a move with incredibly realistic footage, great acting and a story line that pulls on every heart string, then I highly recommend this movie. I loved the way romance was incorporated in the movie so that it wasn't overbearing and how they subtly show how all the skills Jay is learning aren't only meant for surfing. But I especially love the footage. The end scene looks like a real HD surf competition and the incorporation of so much of the setting into the film, ties in the aspect of how real the story is and gives you a homegrown feel. This movie is extremely inspirational because not only does it deal with the growth of a boy to a young man but how other around him grow and come to realizations themselves, therefore it can appeal to a variety of audience ages. It teaches people to live life to the fullest and try hard to get what you want. Obviously, this movie isn't just about surfing. It portrays themes bigger than that from love and family to freedom and fear; the balance of all things in life. There are many lessons taught in this movie and by the end of it, you'll feel like you're ready to surf any wave that comes at you.
Ole Sandbaek Joergensen This might not be the best movie ever, but I think the critics on this is missing something that most of the viewers apparently have gotten :) This is a heartwarming film, about a special individual that had passion, excitement about and was a natural at surfing.Jay Moriarity played by Jonny Weston is this boy that grows up wanting nothing else then surfing waves and big ones at that if possible, Frosty played Gerard Butler is the mentor that is though but fair and want him to learn that this is not for everyone and you have to practice to be perfect, if you are not perfect or well trained you will not survive the mavericks.I find surfing fascinating, it looks very cool and the surfers look very alive when surfing. I guess this is a very real tale about how it is, how it feels and how it looks to them selves and everyone around them. But also a film about taking risks, experience new things and being yourself.
delwiggins Chasing Mavericks was one of the most inspirational movies I've seen on a late week night when I should have been sleeping. It's a moving true story about a boy that goes against all odds and makes his dreams come true. Through-out the movie you follow a boy who has a rough life, no father figure, and a mother who doesn't have everything under control. He befriends his neighbor that he looks up to an incredible amount. This movie shows that people really are placed on this earth for something. It made me cry tears of joy and tears of pain. It made me think hours after the movie was over. It made me think about my life and what I was put here to do. Great ending song that I ended up putting on my ipod. I loved the movie, and I advise you to watch it!