Today's Special
Today's Special
R | 19 November 2009 (USA)
Today's Special Trailers

Young Manhattan chef Samir rediscovers his heritage and passion for life through the enchanting art of cooking Indian food.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
jerome-e Okay, I'll admit I like "foodie" movies. And I like movies where the underdog gets out from under. After watching this movie I had to go out for Indian food, that's how much I liked it. Good characters (Including the surly Russian waiter), The one-word Pierre, and the trio of older Indian gentlemen. Special kudos to our taxi driver (you'll see). Storyline is not too surprising, but the acting and the food just make this one of those movies I'll watch once a year. Recommended watching (but make sure to have something to nibble on while you do!
Tim Johnson Diane and I saw this enjoyable film last night and equally enjoyed the entire movie meaning that there were no slow spots anywhere in the film. Neither one of us knew any more about what we were to see accept that which was written on the back of the box containing the CD; therefore, the development of the movie was paced very well thanks to the director's sure grip on the progression of the film.The cast universally played their roles extremely well. The film revolves around the failure of an Indian restaurant in New York and is saved, improbably, by an Indian raconteur.Those wiser in the ways of movie scripting will say, quite correctly, that "Today's Special" is made up of "cardboard characters" with an easily anticipated script moves and I totally agree with those commentators; however, Diane and I, she of the much wiser movie critique ability, enjoyed the layout of this film very much. The characters were so good and as Indian film notables, so believable that any criticism can be deflected. Although there were only two major female roles it would be a definite must see "chic flic."
johnstonjames i love having recently discovered director David Kaplan and this movie only confirmed my belief that he is one of the best film directors in today's cinema.this film is as appealing and as fun as a visit to a trendy new Indian cuisine restaurant. it's one of those kind of low budget, feel good movies about overcoming obstacles much the way the original 'Rocky' was some thirty or more years ago. 'Rocky' was thought highly enough to be best picture material and i don't find this movie any less notable. it's definitely top ten, best film material and a must see for feeling good and thinking smart.David Kaplan is truly a "top chef" filmmaker with a real gift for traditions and folklore and he explores ethnic themes in America quite well as he did in this film and in his Asian American fantasy "Year of the Fish".i would recommend this culinary delight to everyone and couldn't imagine anyone not liking it, but then again there are always those with permanent indigestion. fun and smart movie.
DLPOppo This movie was filled with humor, which made the family conflicts (mother's aspirations for her son, and father's grief over a loss), bearable and at times downright funny. The cultural baggage of the Indo-Pakistani participants was both credible and (fortunately) not exaggerated.This is a film about relationships: an aspiring chef to his food and public, a mother and father to a son, and the lead character to a co-worker. Perhaps the most interesting and important relationship turns out to be between Akbar the cab driver and the would be chef. There are not a lot of well done portrayals of a wise mentor and carrying this one off with a gentle light shined on both life and food, was surprisingly effective.All in all, very entertaining with a many good messages, presented without appearing preachy.