A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
R | 29 September 2006 (USA)
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints Trailers

Dito Montiel, a successful author, receives a call from his long-suffering mother, asking him to return home and visit his ailing father. Dito recalls his childhood growing up in a violent neighborhood in Queens, N.Y., with friends Antonio, Giuseppe, Nerf and Mike.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
gillyannasstudent This movie did a great job at teaching you to take control of your life. I believe if each character took control of their life sooner events in the movie wouldn't escalate. What i did like was how the author portray new York he took time off to put in scenes where it showed hot summer, dirty subway stations, trains, corner stores which is all still alive in new York city today. Another thing i liked is how he got characters out of their comfort zone every body knows channing tatum to be a romantic kind of guy in movie but in this movie he was the hot headed and angry kid that did anything he wanted to the point of watching his brother die. The author also did an excellent job at showing that it is important for parents to listen to their kids. Throughout the movie you can see that dito's father never listened to him and always aired in his opinion and that backfired in this face when dito suddenly snapped because his dad never listened to him. As a result showing viewers that it is important for them to pay attention to their kids. At the end of the movie what i liked was how the author showed the lives of the characters after years and i thought that was necessary to show they grew as a person.Overall it was a good movie.
mcawesomemd film grabs your attention and jerks at your emotional draw strings. Its unapologetic in its true life portrayal of NY in the 80s. This on screen adaptation of the autobiography tells the story of teens stuck in a gridlock of violence. Loved it and would recommend it. Robert Downey Jr does an amazing job. Channing Tatum surprisingly steps out of his comfort zone to play an angry hot headed and misguided friend of the Dito Shia labouf. The film was entertaining and I would not hesitate to recommend it to all. I watched the film before reading the book, now I'm excited to read the book. You really feel like you can connect with some of the characters.
Armand Kind of movie to determine a trip in your universe. Self definition. Ballas of memories. Faces of friends and family members, images of birth place and events of lost ages. An experience but in a strange form. Behind that, a good, real good film. Great cast and usual Robert Downwy jr. Bricks from America as pieces of puzzle. Speech about friendship and freedom, values and love, sense of gestures and returns, roots and teenage circle. And more. The words without letters, the emotions like smoke or snow, the images of people and streets, the perfume of past who is not base for future, all ordinaries facts , without importance but essentials for time of answers when questions are just ash flowers.The saints, saints of this film are shadows of every meeting. Silouettes, crumbs, just men and women , strange, boring, without any relevance. But sick, need of reconciliation, a girl who is mother today, 20 years, a friend in prison breaks appearances. And finish becomes beginning. So recognize your saints.
Sir Vertual (sirvertual) It's easy to see what they were shooting for and it coulda' been successful...BUT, it just fell short in several areas...several areas that when added up, make it a failure for the movie it was, coulda' been...a various mixture of issues...not just a single issue or even a couple, but several that definitely combine to throw this film a bit off track...and results in a theatre experience that leaves you with a series of let downs....too bad too...as it really could have been a good film experience...I almost feel like there may have been a little too much 'power' left to the actors, versus being directed to a cohesive finished product with a story told by one story-teller's view (an accomplished director)...instead, I feel like I was seeing each actors take on the film...without the direction that would have brought this film into a solid cohesive project...needless to say, I left feeling a bit underwhelmed at a story that was a bit too 'disjointed' to make it the success it really could have been...
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